RESET 1 - Darkness part 2

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Your POV

I woke up in a very dark room ontop of what felt and looked like an air mattress. As I stumbled upwards, I felt something tug at my neck, causing me to look down. A red collar with a chain attached to it. The chain was attached to what looked like the dresser. I tried moving the dresser but that was extremely heavy. I gave up on that quickly and decided to examine the room.

Next to the mattress I was on was another mattress with a bunch of gold flowers on it. Papers and mugs and pencils  and chocolate bar wrappers were everywhere, with the occasion sock. The floor was wood but had a bunch of rugs over it, having most of it soft. Next to what I'm now calling my mattress was a lamp which was in front of a closet. A few posters were taped to a wall over the desk. The desk was covered in more papers and mugs and chocolate wrappers, but the desk was special. At the desk sat Chara, who seemed quite busy writing something,  grumbling every now and then silently. 

I decided the best thing would be to try and not gain Chara's attention and sit back down on the mattress since I could not move, but as I sat down, the chains rattled against one of the few wooden parts of the floor gaining Chara's attention.

"You're up pretty angel..." He spoke softly, calmly, happily

"Yeah... lord and behold, I'm finally up after getting knocked out," I stated sarcastically.

"I'm sorry for knocking you out," Chara apologized. "I just couldn't think of any other way that didn't involve injuring you or knocking you out to bring you here like this." The part that I hated was that he actually sounded sincere.

"You could've asked," I pointed out.

"Oh I'm sorry. Y/N, can I possibly take ou to my room, chain you to a dresser, and keep you there for the rest of eternity?" Chara's voice was laced with amusement. 

I, on the other hand, was not amused in the slightest. "Nah I'll pass. Now let me go."

"You see, that's why I knocked you out," Chara stated. "I had a feeling you wouldn't like this, but this is for your safety and my reassurance."

"Safety and reassurance for what?" I snapped.

"Your safety from all those cruel monsters and to reassure me that you are alive and well pretty angel," Chara responded. As much as I hated to admit it, this would've been a cute gesture if it wasn't for him chaining me to his bloody drawer. I tugged on the chain slightly. The drawer did not budge.

"I stored many heavy items like boulders and many hard-covered books and even my mother's armor," Chara stated. "Won't be easy moving it."

"Are you calling me weak?" I asked.

"No, just stubborn now. You want some food or something to drink?" Chara questioned. I shook my head no. I didn't want to be apart of this demon's game. "Suit yourself then." Chara grabbed a random chocolate bar and while he unwrapped it, he turned his chair back to his desk and resumed his work on whatever it was that he was working on, leaving me in no way to entertain myself.

So I decided to read some of the papers. Might give me a hint as to what Chara was planning on doing to me. I grabbed the closest paper and started reading it.


I can't feel nothing but hatred towards Frisk. They keep genociding! What had happened to our good ending? Why didn't he like it? And if he didn't like our happy ending, why is he mass-murdering everyone? Why Asriel? Why Mom? Why me?

Well, he'll be nearing Asriel soon. This time I want to change something. Here's hoping.


Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now