RESET 2 : Date with Chara

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I WASNT EXPECTING PEOPLE TO RESPOND SO QUICKLY but those who did wanted deal so now you got a date with Chara, the psychotic murderig human who killed you 

And for the sake of my sanity the * whatever they called aren't staying. BACK TO QUOTATION MARKS

Your POV

You grabbed Chara's outstretched hand, indicating that he got himself a deal. His red eyes widen and sparkle from this while you heard Frisk groan a "no" in protest. The vines holding you in place and covering your mouth removed themselves as Chara pulled you into a big hug.

"I'm so glad you chose to go out with me pretty angel~" he purred.

"Just.... one date..... and Frisk doesn't get hurt..." you stated.

"I won't rip off his arms if you date me, even if it's just this once, yes," Chara confirmed. "Buuut keep in mind that you'll have to act like my girlfriend~"

"I kno-"

"Which means you'll have to kiss me~"

"W-WHAT?!" You were startled. You knew couples kissed and all, but you didn't realize Chara wanted you to pretend THAT much. Well, you could now thinking back... what did you just agree to do?

"No take backs!" Chara smiles as he pulled you close to him, pressing you against his chest. You could faintly hear his heartbeat. It was going quite fast. You reluctantly hugged him. This was for Frisk.

"OKAY IM B- CHARA WHAT THE FUNK?!?" Asriel screeched as he walked in to see Chara and me hugging while a vine was holding a bleeding Frisk into the wall.

"Um.... bye," Chara teleported while he held me, pulling me into the teleporting. I yelped while he just laughed. Soon we found ourselves standing in front of a building. I remember this place. It was where Chara eventually captured me when I tried fleeing. Grillbys.

"I never got a chance to invite you here," Chara winked at me as he offered his hand. "So shall we... partner?"

"I hope the food is worth it..." I commented as I grabbed his hand. Chara chuckled as he lead me inside. The noisy and crowded bar went silent as they all turned to look at Chara leading me inside. I heard them whisper and point to us holding hands. I blushed unintentionally. 

"Nice blush princess," Chara commented as he lead me up to two red, velvet barstools.

"Shush it," I frowned as I sat down. Chara chuckled as he sat down beside me. "So this was a bar?"

"Yup. Welcome to Grillbys, my favorite place to eat minus Mom's house," Chara announced. I could faintly hear some of the monsters chuckle at Chara.

"HEY MAKE A JOKE CHARA!" Some drunk monster playing poker with a bunch of dogs yelled.

"Alright. What is the difference between a fish, a piano, and glue?" Chara asked everyone at he bar.

"What iz it?"

"Belfiapwhrjf" the bird monster collapsed onto the floor.

"I dunno, what is it Chawa?"

"Yeah, tell us Chawa~" I teased.

"You can tune a piano but ya can't tuna fish," Chara winked as you could hear a BA-DUM TSK from somewhere play. Everyone started laughing.

"What about the glue?" I asked curious.

"I knew you'd get stuck on that," Chara seemed about ready to cry from holding in his laughter. The bar was roaring in laughter now, and Chara seemed to wheeze as he couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. The only people who weren't laughing was me and the bartender who was on fire. Even though they were good jokes which did make me smile, I refused to laugh. 

I patted Chara's back before looking at bartender man. "Hi. Can I have some milk to start with?" The Fire boi nodded before going into the back. Chara seemed to gather himself before clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry, it was too funny," he chuckled, grabbing my hand and kissing it. This earned us some wolf whistles. "Anyways Grillbys sell Fries and Burgers for food. What do you want?"

"Whatever you get I guess.." I shrugged.

Chara POV

I was so happy that Y/N was going on a date with me, I could give up chocolate for a month! Well, a day.... BUT STILL! Even if it was just one date and even if they hated me, it was still fun! Grillbys came out with the milk and gave it to Y/N.

"Grillbys, mah man, two burgers please," I ordered. He left yet again. I looked over at Y/N to notice that she was so busy side-glancing at me to notice that some of the milk was spilling out from the side. I chuckled as she eventually noticed it and quickly put the empty cup down, but before she could wipe it away, I licked it away. Her skin was so soft yet tasted so sweet...

More monsters wolf whistled at us as I pulled away, winking at my pretty princess. She was a huge blushing mess. Even if she denied it, it was obvious she was enjoying this~ All she made were noises as she tried saying something. Seems like I left her speechless.

"Your so cute when your flustered~" I flirted with her. She covered her face with her hands, slightly groaning. I laughed at this. 

Grillbys came back and handed us our burgers before noticing our situation. He silently handed Y/N a piece of paper (which didn't catch on fire??) before patting her head and going off to attend someone else. I peaked over at the  paper as she read it. It was his address and his number.....

H E K N E W T O O M U C H . . .

Suddenly my fun came crashing to an end as I glared at Grillbys. He only cleaned a glass showing no emotions. I grabbed the paper and shoved it in my pocket growling. I barely heard Y/N yelp from surprise. That made me full of anger and hate again. Not only did the Nice Cream Bunny flirt with Y/N this timeline,  but now Grillbys?! OF ALL MONSTERS?!?

"We're done here...." I growled as I yanked on Y/N's arm and practically dragged her away from the restaurant. She had managed to snag her burger before I did so. I slapped it to the ground, hoisted her over my shoulder, and stormed all the way to Waterfalls. I didn't realize where I was until I looked up. The crystal rocks gleamed.

"This was where you kidnapped me the first time...." Y/N commented.

"I'm sorry about THAT incident.. I didn't know better," I apologized.

"Heh......." was all she said. I soon put her down before immediately hugging her from behind and pulling her down onto the ground, cuddling with her and staring at the glowing rocks.

"I... know you hate me..... but I want you to know something...." I started, feeling myself start to blush at my next words. "I love you, okay?"

"Your love seems to have turned into an obsession then..." She sighed. "If this was before you kidnapped me last timeline, I might be here saying that 'I love you too' but... not after seeing that... I can't love you back..."

"At least you can kiss me~" I commented as I turned her around quickly and pulled her into a kiss. Y/N let out a noise of surprise. She soon melted into it. I felt myself smile as I deepened the kiss. This was my first time and I was glad it was with my pretty, beautiful angel, even if she hated me. 

I grinned as I now realized I could hang this over Frisk. The poor fool, thinking he could return and attempt to steal Y/N. I'll prove him wrong. I'll prove them all wrong! I held Y/N into the kiss for a bit longer before pulling away. She seemed out of breath. Awwwww~

"Sorry love, but Asriel must be worried. Besides I'll have to explain to him some things," I nuzzles her neck, kissing it one last time before teleporting the both of us to my house. I lead her inside, watching with interest as she wobbled. Poor sweet thing~

I'm ending it here y'all poor things-

Sinking into Insanity - Yandere Male Chara x Reader (Storyshift)Where stories live. Discover now