Part 3 - Meeting Seventeen

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You sat in your kitchen playing with your food nervously as you thought about yesterdays encounter. 'Who was he?' the thought kept replying in your head as you bit the inside of your cheek. He couldn't be staff..he was too perfect! Maybe an idol..your thoughts consumed your head only to be disturbed by your phone. 


"Hey! I haven't seen you in ages" he whined from the other end of the phone.

"Its been two days Minho" you rolled your eyes and laughed at his childlike behaviour.

Minho was your first friend when you moved to Korea. He showed you around, and you two quickly became good friends. You spent a lot of time together from work.

"Two days too long! I'll see you at work tomorrow, we have a big project coming up so i thought we could pair up" he hummed happily through the line.

Your mood changed as you remembered that you would leave work soon to be a full time assistant, luckily you still had two weeks of your old job left to be with Minho.

"Yeah..about that-" you started but were interrupted.

"Nope! no buts. We're working tougher, see you tomorrow!" he quickly ended the call leaving you speechless.

i'll just tell him later..

After picking out an outfit, you made yourself a coffee to go and left your apartment to meet your new manager outside

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After picking out an outfit, you made yourself a coffee to go and left your apartment to meet your new manager outside. You were nervous but excited, anticipating the big meeting. What if they didn't like me? What if they thought i wasn't good enough. These questions flooded by mind but were broken when i heard my managers voice from the car. I smiled and got in.

We made basic conversation, and again went over a few ground rules. He kept reiterating no dating would be permitted and i simply laughed. Idols having an interest in me? Thats funny.

We were outside. I bit my lip nervously as the manager knocked calmly. i envied his smoothness, but i couldn't blame him, being around gorgeous men was second nature to him! Suddenly the door opened and a familiar face opened..

Y/n: "VERNON!?" you screeched in shock as he stood there, eyes wide open.

Manager: " know each other" he said confused.

Vernon: "Y/N!" he ran towards you and scooped you up in his arms before spinning you around excitedly. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU LOOK SO GROWN UP! HAVE YOU BEEN EATING?" he put you down and examined your face happily.

Y/n: "I've been eating" you chuckled. "what about you!? you're an idol now?" you returned his excitement and put your hands on his cheeks.

Vernon smiled and took your hand, pulling you inside where a hug crowd was waiting for you. All curious as to what the loudness was about.

You came in the room and were slightly intimidated at the sight of 11 beautiful men infant of you. One was missing but you were too absorbed in their beauty to notice.

Vernon: "guys, this is Y/n. she's an old childhood friend whose come to visit me!" he said proudly with his arm around your shoulder protectively. 

??: "wow, she's so pretty ^-^" one of the boys chirped making you blush and smile at him.

Vernon: "Easy there boo" he joked at the boy who was now infant of me holding my hands, telling me how much fun we'd have together.

Manager: "Actually, this is your new assistant! Y/n will be joining us for a while" he gestured to you.

Vernon's smile grew even bigger as he again held you in his arms. You tried to escape his strong hold but there was no point, so you wrapped your arms around him and sighed. The boys went through and introduced themselves, there were very polite and welcoming which made you smile. They mentioned how one of their members was busy but would be joining us soon.

-2 hours later-

Coups: "So you guys grew up together? thats adorable!" he pinched your cheek imagining you and vernon as little kids.

Joshua: "Dont embrassas her cheolie!" he flicked coups's ear and rolled his eyes playfully.

Dino: "How old are you Y/n?" he asked politely in awe of you.

Y/n: "I'm 20, like Vernon" you smiled at his cuteness, not wanting to offend you. They all were so protective over you which made you happy, you felt accepted. 

Wonwoo: "Ah, you finally decided to join us" he said looking at a tall figure standing in the lining room doorway.

You followed his gaze only to drop your jaw at the familiar face, staring right back at you. 

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