Part 17- Elderly Eyes

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It was Saturday morning, you woke up with the same tingling in your stomach which had failed to leave you ever since last night. You sat up and smiled dot yourself for a few minutes, before getting ready. You were meant to meet the boys at Pledis later, to go through their choreography for their new song coming out, and make any last minute changes. You honestly felt honoured for them to of wanted you to help with their new song, so you were exited to meet them.

 You honestly felt honoured for them to of wanted you to help with their new song, so you were exited to meet them

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You ventured into the cold streets. You decided to take the bus as you wanted some time to listen to your music and relax before you arrived at Pledis. Whilst waiting fur the bus, a large van drove past, and when it passed you were revealed an image which made your heart hurt. 

Ju-ne with a girl...

They were sitting on a bench, eating something, cuddled up and very affectionate. You felt a drop in your stomach and your heart increase watching them. He acted with her like he did with you, making you feel even more meaningless. The bus had arrived and you climbed on, sitting on the side closet to them. You continued to watch from afar, one window from the bus was open, letting in a harsh breeze but also meaning you could hear them much clearer. You were about to look away and forget when you heard something. 


Your head whipped round and your heart throb so harshly you worried something was actually wrong. He used the same nickname...'did i really mean nothing to him?' you thought, making your vision blurry with the tears which were so close to falling. The engine picked up and you slowly moved away from it. Your heart felt heavy with sorrow and you put your head down, letting yourself endure the pain, you were pulled out when a familiar voice awoke you.

Old lady: "Whats wrong dear?"she put a hand on your leg, awaking you from your trauma and returning some hope to you. 

Y/N: "Oh, its you again" you managed a weak smile through the tears. 

Old Lady: "Don't cry! Tell me, whats wrong" her soft voice comforted you and you explained the story to her, leaving out some specifics here and there.

"Oh flower, let me tell you. You will face a lot of heartbreaks in your life, but they will all prepare for whats best to come. One day, you will meet someone who will no longer put you in that pain and will make you feel better in these times. No ones life will run smooth enough to avoid these upsets. Tell me, who makes you feel better in these times?" 

You paused, taking in her words but considering her question. Suddenly, a smile came across you and the pain reduced slightly. 

Y/N: "Well there is someone" the smile increased thinking about him

O/L: "And does this boy know you feel this way about him?" her words shocked you, how did she know o.o

Y/N: " did you know its a boy" you played with them hem of your skirt, slightly embarrassed. 

O/L: "Because as someone who's been in love, i know that smile" she also smiled now,

"Don't let go of this person, they are clearly special to you my dear" she held your hands now, her eyes staring in yours. Her eyes were aged and mature, soft and tired. Lifeless almost but very kind. Even if she had nothing to show of her past, you knew she had had one. 

Y/N: "But..theres something stopping us from being together" you sighed, remembering the stupid rule about dating.

O/L: "True love will find its way even when it seems impossible. Just don't give up ever, the second you give up is when it will be lost. Never give up on love Y/n" and as timing always did, she got up swiftly and left.

Y/N: "HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?-" It was pointless as she had yet again disappeared.

 You leant back in your seat, confused but reassured. You wanted to know how she knew you but luckily had a feeling your paths would cross again.

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