Part 29 - Picture Perfect

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The tent was stuffy and cold, brisk winter air didn't threaten to enter its thin walls, instead  it surrounded you. You were cooped up in a small tent, an intense heat behind you. You turned to face it as the morning birds chirped and cockerels sung their song. Arms pulled you closer and were wrapped around your waist. You opened your eyes slowly and were met by Mingyu's, staring deeply. You both smiled at each other lovingly, before a confused expression possessed you.

"What are you doing here!?" you harshly whispered, sitting up, confused

"I don't know! What happened last night..?" he replied, scratching his head.


The two of you stumbled back up the twisting beach planks and back to the campsite. Mingyu had brought down two bottles of Soju for you to enjoy, and lets say you were both a little intoxicated. You giggled, swaying with each other, stumbling slightly and trying not to make your presence known. 

Y/N: "AhhHHHhhhH, i swear i saw a shark!" 

Mingyu: "What are you talking about, sharks aren't sharks, they're sea dogs"

Y/N: "Sea dogs?" you giggled, clasping your mouth to prevent any giggles. 

Mingyu: "YeSSs" he stuttered, words slurred and dripping with alcohol.

"Shoot, if i go back in my tent now the others will know we've bEen up" he hiccuped.

Y/N: "stAY in my tent" you walked off, in direction to your temporary home, and he followed reluctantly. 

Mingyu: "Its cold in here" he moaned, throwing around the one duvet dramatically.

Y/N: "Not my problem. Now shut up" you rolled over to face him, hitting him and then trying to sleep.

Mingyu: "Let me cuddle you~" he then faced you also, grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him, embracing you.

Y/N: "Whatever" you mumbled, snuggling close and drifting asleep

Current Day

You both groaned, memories filling your head and a handover lingering. You played back down, resting your head on his arm, snuggling into him. 

"Comfy are we?" he chuckled into your ear, rubbing your back slowly.

"Very" you whispered back as he landed a peck on your forehead.

— — — 

"Everyone in!" 

A croaky voice yelled and you all set out onto your next location. Everyone piled into their vans and got comfortable, snuggling blankets to protect them from the brisk morning air and harsh conditions. The mood was peaceful, comfortable and positive. No one was overly excited with was good as you were all sleepy from last nights adventures. You sat in the back, half asleep leaning on Mingyu's shoulder for support. 

Hoshi turned around and giggled at the sight, everyone else asleep expect Jun, thankfully, as he is driving. Hoshi laughed again quietly, nudging Mingyu who just chuckled in return, pulling you closer. Hoshi then pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture, making Mingyu jerk forward and you be alarmed. 

Mingyu: "When did you take that!?" he said, pointing at the picture in disbelief. 

Hoshi: "Well you two were very cosy this morning, so i thought i'd take it for family memories~" he giggled before taking it down, just after you'd seen it.

Y/N: "Ughh, delete it Hosh, we can't be risking anything" you gave him a pissed off look, before leaving back into Mingyu's embrace. 

Hoshi: "Yeah yeah, i'll send it to you first" he winked and turned back around and you just rolled your eyes again, Mingyu wrapping his arms around your waist whilst you leaned into his chest. Peace at last-

"Uh oh.."

Maybe not.

— — — 


Hoshi: "Sh! Lets not freak ones seen it yet, they're still asleep, we can delete it off their phones!" 

And with that, the mission begun.

Hoshi sneaked around the van, swiping everyones phones and quickly deleting the picture. Jun's phone was safety in his pocket, but he knew anyway so that wasn't a problem. The last phone was Dino's. Hoshi successfully took it out despite a wriggling, sleepy boy in his way. Suddenly he moved, trading Hoshi's arm under him. He froze. If he woke up, this was it. We all sat in painful silence, looking around intensely. Hoshi manmade to quickly remove his arm and we all silently cheered, the photos had been deleted.

Or at least, thats what we thought. 

— — — 

You arrived at the hotel we'd be staying at for the last night. It had high-end security and pushed at rooms, with a lot of bustling nightlife nearby. Plenty of arcades and restaurants for you to enjoy. You all arrived and checked in, sorting out into who'd be sharing what rooms. You were in a room with Hoshi, Mingyu and Boo, an interesting combination. 

You arrived at the room only to be greeted by two large double beds. You screamed and ran towards them, jumping onto the pushed sheets excitedly. You yelled in excitement and rolled around, soon to be joined by another squealing Boo. You both giggled and played around, Mingyu watching, smiling at you. 

"Let's get ready!"

Boo exclaimed, before everyone running off to get ready for the night,

unaware of what awaited... 

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