Part 24 - Warm Water + Silent Space

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When i woke up, Mingyu wasn't there where he was previously. I shrugged it off and rolled over to check the time on my phone - but it wasn't there. Furrowing my eyebrows i lazily strolled to the main living area only to see Mingyu furiously tapping my phone screen. 

Y/N: "Uhh, everything ok..?" you fastened your pace and tried to peak but he snatched it away and your nerves increased slightly.

Mingyu: "Why is he texting you?" he shoved the phone in your face and you suddenly grabbed it, reading the messages and feeling yourself get more and more annoyed reading Mingyu's responses and the conversation getting intenser by the second. 

Y/N: "Why didn't you tell me he texted me!?" you continued to have your eyes glued to the dimly lit, slightly cracked screen. 

Mingyu: "Well you weren't awake so i handled the situation myself" his voice was blunt and cold, more disconnected than usual. 

Y/N: "But it isn't your relationship! You shouldn't of got involved" your voice was laced with an irritated tone, you didn't want to fight but you were certainly annoyed.

Mingyu: "Oh you're relationship huh? You're not together so what does it matter?" he stood in front of you now, sizing you up and down but your confidence wasn't knocked and you faced him too. 

Y/N: "Because i still care about him! You don't just loose feelings Mingyu, even if we went together and he did cheat" you had a hint of sadness, but mostly anger filling your studio apartment, the sound bouncing off the walls. 

Mingyu: "You care about him!? Why, he's disgusting. You don't need him in your life" he kept rambling on and you'd had enough. You needed space and time and blurted out something - not really thinking.

YN: "Well i don't need you either." your ice cold words hit aggressively, his eyes immediately turning empty and his posture stiff.

Mingyu: "Fine. And don't bother coming back." he replied before grabbing his coat, leaving. And within seconds, for the second time you were left alone. Although this time in your home, a place of comfort and warmth, but all of it had been drained as soon as the door shut.

— — — 

My toes dipped into the warm water and relieved some of my tension instantly. I submerged my whole body in and laid back, soaking in the scented bath. I leaned my head back and sighed, groaning slightly as i hit it on the cool tiles. 

"What is wrong with me?" 

I knew i shouldn't of shouted at him, but he shouldn't of invaded my privacy. Stuck between hating myself or him, and i don't know what worse. 

To be hurt or to hurt someone else? 

I sinked further and further down, letting the water soak up my problems and dissolve them with the slightly scolding heat. We needed to make up. I decided in that moment to face my fears instead of hiding. I'll go there later..see him and everything will be good.

— — — 

I clambered up the stone steps and knocked quickly, awaiting the reply. After a few minutes Hoshi opened it, probably the best person in this situation. I explained it briefly and went to push past him but an arm stopped me.

Hoshi: "I don't know if its a good idea.." his voice was shaky and unclear.

Y/N: "Why not?"

Hoshi: "He said maybe you should-"

Y/N: "I know him Hosh, let me through" but again, you were held back. And this time a deep voice echoed in the entrance. 

Mingyu: "You shouldn't be here" he wouldn't look at you, making your hands shake and a lump in your throat form. 

Y/N: "Mingyu I'm sorry...c'mon don't be like this-" you reached out for his arm but he pulled away.

Mingyu: "We're busy with promotions its for the best if we have some 'space'"

Y/N: "S-space?" your voice squeaked, confused. 

Mingyu: "Lets take a break from whatever this is Y/n..I need some time by myself. Forget about me for a while.."

A slammed door almost hit your face and you stood there in shock. Alone. Again. Some things never change..

You couldn't even comprehend what had happened when you saw a familiar motorbike and two helmets resting on the seat, a figure standing beside it. Your vision blurred with tears and you ran towards him, escaping in his embrace and. No tears left, just a sheet of water in your eyes. He knew what to do, no words needed just actions. He clipped your helmet and pulled you on the bike, wrapping your arms around his waist and driving off into the murky night. 

Some things really do never change...

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