Part 5 - Rainy Day

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I woke up to the sound of gentle patting against the window panes. The rain had lasted throughout the night and into the early morning, creating a thick, grey fog throughout the eerie city. The orangey tones from the sunrise were barely visible, only an illusion which painted the skyline. I got up carefully, not wanting to wake the others up and made my way towards the bathroom. 

I went to grab the handle but it opened for me, and a tall figure emerged fro the steam-filled room. A perfectly sculpted man stood in the frame of the door with his bare chest exposed. ~Mingyu~

Y/N: "s-sorry, i didn't realise someone was in here" you manage to say whilst looking to your right, avoiding any possible eye contact. 

Mingyu: "Its fine" he laughed at your embarrassment you always managed to have when he was in your presence. He then stepped away after ruffling your hair.

You shook off any thoughts and went in and did your daily routine. The boys had put together another outfit, laid back and relaxed which was your style. 

You left the bathroom and went into the main living space where a few of the boys were, playing video games and chatting

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You left the bathroom and went into the main living space where a few of the boys were, playing video games and chatting. 

Y/N: "Morning" you said sleepily, going towards the kitchen where The8, Hoshi and Joshua sat eating.

Joshua: "You sound tired, didn't get much sleep?" he asked concerned.

Hoshi: "How come you didn't get much sleep?" he winked at you and laughed straight after as Mingyu came in the kitchen.

You laughed at his comment, understanding his humour and not taking offence. You liked how laid back they were and treated you as one of them. As you were about to reply you felt Mingyu close behind you making you feel slightly nervous.

Y/N: "Just the rain, keeps me up sometimes" you smiled and drank a fresh cup of tea provided by The8.

The8: "Awe, so you're gonna stay for a bit right?" he said hopefully, his eyes bright like a puppies.

Y/N: "Actually, i was thinking of getting back soon, I have work" you pouted, sad for letting them down.

Hoshi: "Why don't you just quit work and be with us full time?" he proprosed, but you shook your head.

Y/N: "I'll stop working soon, but i need to carry on i can't let the people there down" you said smiling, grabbing your coat and heading towards the door".

After many goodbyes and too many hugs you left, called a cab and went home. After changing quickly you made your way to work and prepared for a telling off for being late.

"LATE AGAIN MISS Y/N? THIS REALLY ISNT GOOD ENOUGH!" your boss boomed as you stood still in his office. You didn't dare speak back, instead just let him take out his failed marriage and failing company out on you.

Y/n: "sorry, it won't happen again sir" you rolled your eyes and left his office. You hated his guts but he provided you with a reasonable paycheque so you decided to let hm think he had won.

Minho: "You made it Y/n!" he ran up to you and held your hand happily, excited to see you after a long weekend. 

Y/n: "Just about" you joked and left go of him. "so how's about we start working?" you said unenthusiastically and he laughed, leading you to a workroom.

-3 hours later-

Minho: "oh Y/N, theres something i wanted to ask you about" he turned to look at you, fiddling with his pen but you carried on typing.

Y/N: "Mhm?" you hummed, still typing.

Minho: "Well its been a while you dated someone..I was wondering if you wanted to get back into dating?" he avoided eye contact making you nervous. He didn't have feelings did he..?

Y/N: "Oh're a great guy! But its just we've been friends for so long-" you trailed off.

Minho: "Not with me stupid!" He flicked your head laughing. "Thats like dating my own sister, no I have a friend who i think you would suit well, maybe i could set you guys up?" we winked and looked at you with pleading eyes, a puppy like expression which was had to resist. 

Y/N: "I don't know i catch feelings quickly, i haven't really dated much before.."

Minho: "Thats the point! Nope, I've made my mind up. Clear your schedule for tonight and meet at XXX restaurant" he packed up his things and started to leave the room.

Y/N: "I don't remember agreeing Minho!-" but he had already shut the door. 

A date couldn't be that bad right? Maybe this would be good for you..and prevent any feelings forming for Mingyu..WoAh, easy there Y/N. Feelings? You held your head and leant back and groaned. All these thoughts hurt your head. Maybe a date would be a good idea after all..

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