Part 10 - Tears

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You ran through the evening streets desperately. You looked crazy, but you didn't care. You had little make up on, a warm baby pink coat wrapped around your shaking body and a messy ponytail with baby hairs flying everywhere. But you didn't care. You needed June. You mentally hit yourself for being so cruel on him. He loved me. He would never hurt me. He's the one I needed and the one I loved. You arrived at his apartment complex and knocked on the lobby doors. One of Ju-ne's neighbours opened it for you. He asked where you were going and you just smiled, pictures of june filled your head. His side smile, the way he looked when we won you a toy at the carnival. All these previous memories you cling onto. You ran past him but he pulled you back. 

Jay: "I wouldn't go up there..he's not in a great mood.." he stuttered but you just laughed.

Y/N: "I'll just cheer him up" you innocent smile caused him to look distressed and you raced past.

The elevator wasn't quick enough so you raced up the stairs. Panting as you reached his door. You collected yourself and knocked. The door fell open and you figured you'd surprise him. Making your way through his maze you reached the only shut door and figured he'd be in there. You heard music, 'your' song you shared. A wide smile possessed your face. He did care. He did remember. You pushed open the door and jumped in-


The smile was gone instantly. But this time there was no expression. No happiness, no sadness, no shock; just a blank, broken canvas. You clenched your jaw trying to hold back your emotions as you backed to the door.

Ju-ne: "Y/n wait! Its not what it looks like! He clambered out of bed, holding the duvet to cover himself while a pretty figure lay next to him, amused by the situation. 

You held up your hand, telling him to stop.


You tried opening your mouth but nothing could come out. No words. Not even a whisper could escape. You shook your head so gently he might not of even seen. You had been heartbroken before. The familiar feelings flooded your heart, sinking it and destroying it carelessly. You met his eyes. His eyes. They were never readable, until now. Lies swam in them, disloyalty and unfaithfulness. He tried coming near you but you took another step back, hitting the door.

Y/N: "Don't ever come near me again" You managed. You tried sounding tough but your pain  and sadness was written all over you.

You could hear him shouting as you walked out of the apartment. He called your name but it didn't stop you. But when he said your nickname, you froze.

Ju-ne: "Petal please.." you was behind you now, clothed but his secrets were very much exposed. 

Petal. The night you met there were petals all over the table, you joked about it throughout the night and it became a nickname. The memory caused nothing but pain in your heart. You couldn't look at was too much. 

Ju-ne: "She means nothing to me!" he started "You weren't providing enough, and i can't help that! its not my fault" he threw out whatever excuse he could come up with but you didn't take any of it in. Not because you were so tough and brave, but because your shaky heart wasn't responding anymore.

Y/N: "Lets stop this" you whispered. Your back was turned to him, you couldn't bare to look at him anymore. He disgusted you, but mostly caused too much pain. He tried to speak but you cut him off.

"Lets end this can be free to do whatever you want. I'm sorry I'm not enough for you. I'm sorry I'm not good enough" you squeezed your eyes shut preventing any tears. 

"I can't take it anymore" your voice cracked and your heavy breathing was clearly audible. You both stood in painful silence. No one said anything. Only the wind shook the windows as they rattled, the only sound which was heard. The hallway was cold and hit your face, no one was out at this time, a faint sound of footsteps and conversation couldn't break the silence.

Ju-ne: "Fine! I don't even care!" he spat out like venom. "I don't need you, you were just a bit of fun anyway" and with that he slammed the front door. 

you stood paralysed 

'a bit of fun' 

those words cut deeper than any before. 

The tears threatened to fall from your watery eyes. Your heart ached painfully,  pounding so fast, unable to comprehend the heartbreak. You'd experienced heartache before. It was an enemy who turned up whenever things were going well. But it was different now.

It was so much worse than before.

Loosing a loved one was a battle you had the fight for many months on end when you had shared heartbreak in the past. A battle you had to fight and win every day to keep going.

But today, you lost your battle. 

You ran out onto the street, and like out of a movie, the heavens opened up and rain poured down on you. But you didn't care. You didn't care about anything. A storm boomed in the dark sky and rain poured cruelly on you. And for the first time in a while, you cried. It started with a single tear, but soon your face was soaked. You stood shaking under a thin shelter, protecting yourself from rain but not from sorrow. 

The tears fell silently, your voice was strained and unable to manage a single word. So you held your head down, and allowed tears to stream down your red cheeks, and sadness to consume you. You stood like this for some time, the thunder was muted, the odd car which drove past muted, everything on mute. The whole world was on pause and you were the only one on play.

Mingyu POV

I drove back from the practise room. The members were spending the night at Pledis, but after the argument with Y/n i didn't feel like doing anything. I sighed and turned down the radio, the rain splattered across my window shield and a glow of lightening lit up the foggy night. Y/n loved this weather. I smiled thinking of her. Something caught my eye as i drove through the empty streets. 

I slowed down my car and looked at the window, I met eyes with the women and my heart broke. Y/n. Her eyes were bright red and puffy from crying, she shook from the cold and i could sense her pain. I didn't even need to say anything before she ran to the car, getting in and crying endlessly. I knew immediately what had happened. No words needed to be exchanged, instead i felt a small hand wrap around my own and thats all we needed.

A/n: I know this episode was really sad lol, they won't all be like this but thanks for the support I've been getting! Means a lot, keep reading and enjoy ^-^

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