Part 21 - Agreement & A New Friend

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Hoshi POV

I was walking down the corridor, going to the gym in our apartment when i passed the spare room and heard voices. Huh, i think Y/n went in there last night because of the rain. Haha. I was just about to go when i heard a deeper voice. Thats not Y/n..? I thought my mind was playing tricks on me until i heard two voices overlapping each other. Curiosity got the best of me and i peered in the open door and my jaw dropped. T-THEY'RE WHAT!? They were playing about and suddenly he pulled her on top of him and they kissed ... I was shoOk. I rubbed my eyes repeatedly but the image stayed the same. So they are a thing. I smirked to myself and decided to confront them later, i wouldn't tell anyone, i didn't want to be malicious, just tease them. Our little secret ;)


After a heavenly morning, i got into the shower and went into the kitchen, seeing some of the members dotted round but not a lot. I saw Mingyu from the living room and we connected eyes. He gave me a familiar smirk and i blushed looking away. When i turned around i met eyes with Hoshi who was grinning at me. I felt my heart stop and i turned to avoid his burning gaze but when i was about to leave he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom. He told me to wait and moments later Mingyu was pulled in too, the three of us standing there in            awkward silence 

Y/n: "Sooo, whats going on?" you shifted on your feet, looking at the marble sink, stone floor and wooden walls. Aka, everywhere but the two boys next to me. 

Mingyu: "What is it now Hosh" he groaned, folding his arms and leaning against the door.

Hoshi: "I'll give you 1 minute to explain yourselves" he was standing in front of me and Mingyu, who were now both sitting on the side of the bathtub. Like little kids getting scolded.

Mingyu: "I literally have no idea whats going on" he face palmed and acted clueless,  I on the other hand were freaking out. 

He stood there for a while, his smug grin plastered on him, looking at us complacent.  He then cocked his head to the side and spoke up.

Hoshi: "I saw you guys this morning. Physically."  he wasn't even trying to hide his pride.

Mingyu: "Sure you did" he rolled his eyes, trying to remain collected but his cracks were showing through. 

Hoshi then whipped out my worst nightmare. He had a picture of me and Mingyu. Kissing. We couldn't hide anymore, this was it. I spiralled out of control. He would tell the company, i'd be fired, we can't be together. Just when I thought it was all over he spoke up.

Hoshi: "Don't worry i won't tell anyone, i think you guys are adorable!" he squealed, fan-boying almost. 

"I won't tell anyone, if we can make a deal" 

Y/n: "What is it?" i piped up, feeling relaxed. Hoshi would never do anything to hurt us or put Mingyu's career in jeopardy, i was looking forward to this deal in a weird way.

Hoshi: "I can tell Jun, AND Y/n has to come on the camping trip with us" he smiled happily, my smile grew in return, looking forward to the vacation!

Mingyu: "Hang on, you're not meant to tell anyone"

Hoshi: "Just Junnn, he won't tell anyone. Pleasee! Its either Jun or all of them." stubbornness ringed in his voice, he wasn't going anywhere.

Mingyu: "Fine." he said after a while of thinking. I squealed merrily.

Hoshi: "Yay! Now i'll leave you two love birds to it, just, if you're going to do anything don't be too loud" he winked and ran out, leaving you speechless and a crimson glow burning on your face.

Y/n: "Thats very, quite um, rude" you joked and after him not laughing you ran to the door but he slammed a hand down on it, encasing you. 

Mingyu: "Why's it so rude" he leaned down to match your height.

Y/n: "Why would he talk about that, get off me" he laughed at his attempt and pushed him away nervously.

Mingyu: "You wanted me this morning though" he leaned against the sink and you rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour. 

You pecked his cheek and left. What an idiot. 

My idiot

— — — 

A couple of hours had passed and you were at home. You'd spoken about to holiday they would take. They were going to debut with their new song tonight and you were all hyped. You sat in the lounge, taking calls, filling out paperwork and doing admin for the debut. Their MV had been released and was reaching a lot of views steadily. {A/n: under-rated kings 'ahem' lol}  You took calls about their performances and quickly realised just how busy they would be for the next month. 

You singed and tossed your work phone aside and played back. The radio hummed in the back, breaking connection every now and again as the wind rattled the windows. You would go on this 'road trip' in a month, leaving you pretty lonely in the meantime. Your brain hurt from all the numbers, calls and work so you decided to go out and collect a takeaway to get a break

You stepped out onto an icy pavement. You were starving, hunger consuming your whole thoughts at this point. You were so determined to reach the shop before it closed you completely lost balance and slipped. Although before you could reach your icy death, arms wrapped around your back and you were saved from the fall. You took a moment to collect yourself as he helped you up. You looked up at the stranger and got slightly intimidated.      Wow~

??: "You almost took a pretty hefty fall there" he joked and smiled at you.

Y/n: "Yeah, i have somewhere to be to i guess I'm in a rush" you laughed and met his kind eyes.

??: "Oh i shouldn't hold you back then" he smiled sadly, clearly disappointed and you were quick to jump in.

Y/n: "Oh no, by that i mean to collect my dinner" you laughed and he laughed in response.

??: "Isn't that a priority?" you both stood there, laughing loudly, with every laugh a white cloud exited your mouths due to the freezing weather. You got caught up and then remembered your order.

"Oh shoot! I better go" you paused, feeling bad. "Care to join? its nothing fancy" you scratched the back of your neck realising how cheap you'd look and got worried.

??: "Sure, why not!" he sent another kind smile and you both made your way to the little pick up spot not too far. 

"I'm Y/n by the way"

"And i'm Daniel~" 

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