Part 11 - Blackout

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I stared out the car window, the rain was muffled slightly but the raindrops which drenched the car could be heard. You felt weak from crying to hard, your cheeks burned hot from the consistent tears. But you felt better now. You watched buildings pass by, their lights merged together all into one beautiful painting. You turned your head forward and let out a heavy sigh of relief. Although the break-up hurt, it was needed and would feel better soon. In the corner of your eye you gazed to Mingyu, one hand on the wheel the other in yours. You remembered grabbing his hand desperately and felt silly, but didn't care enough to let go. After 20 minutes of nothing but the beat of rain against the windshield, you spoke up.

Y/N: "I-Im sorry.." your voice was hoarse and husky from crying. 

Mingyu: "What on earth are you sorry for?!" he said panicked. "You're the one who deserves being apologised to."

Y/N: "No..I'm sorry for not listening to you, you were right" you looked away, embarrassed for doubting him. "If i had listened none of this wouldn't of happened" you said annoyed at yourself.

Mingyu: "Y/n you listen to me, none of this is your fault ok? You don't deserve any of this pain from that idiot" he said kindly, but with bitter at the last bit which made you laugh lightly. 

Y/N: "I know i just feel bad for not believing in you.." the guilt strangled you. Mingyu had always only wanted to help, why couldn't you see that all along?

Mingyu: "Well I'm the one you're with now, and that means a lot" he said quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. He looked over and smiled warmly. That smile could take away any heartache in a millisecond. 

We arrived at my apartment, soaked from the rain, laughing at the state of us. As soon as we got in, I ran to get some towels. Walking out i handed him a towel whilst I dried my patchily wet hair and tied it up into a bun. We joked around whilst drying ourselves, playing and acting laid back, completely distracting me from tonights 'event'. After half an hour of messing about, i turned on the radio whilst Mingyu went to get his jacket. 

"Intense winds and heavy showers will prevent most transport from running smoothly, we recommend you stay instead until further notice" it murmured before being cut off, alongside the electricity. 

Y/N: "A blackout?" you questioned trying to not bump into every possible furniture piece on your apartment.

Mingyu: "I guess the weather means theres been a power cut" he replied, laughing at the situation. 

You rumbled around, hitting your head multiple times which was always followed by a familiar chuckle, before lighting many candles throughout your apartment. The soft, pleasant glow gave out enough light to light up your gentle features and you sat on the floor, next to one of the main light sources. Mingyu came and joined you, sitting close.

Mingyu: "I better get going before i'm stuck here forever" he gave a small smile, then got up only to be caught by your hand. Your hand grabbed his wrist and he turned back. 

Y/N: "The weathers too harsh, i'l only worry if you go out now. Why don't you just wait till it gets lighter.." You tried coming u with any reason to make him didn't want to be alone again an his company was the best. 

Mingyu: "If you want me to stay that bad you can just ask" he said smirking, a sparkle in his usually dark brown eyes. 

He was close to you, skin ship didn't bother you much, but with him he always managed to increase your heart rate. His smirk slowly faded, his face serious and switching between your eyes and lips. His breathing increased and you could feel his hot breathe, making your skin tingle. The heat in your face overwhelmed you and you pushed his head away with your forefinger pretty harshly, laughing nervously and getting up. 

Y/N: "How about some food?!" you said changing the mood drastically.

Mingyu: "How exactly do you plan on making that?" he asked teasingly. 

Y/N: "I have some leftover pizza..?" 

and with that, a candle lit dinner, a bottle of wine and extremely loud laugher was shared between you and Mingyu. 

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