Part 19 - Close

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You both sat in the back on a cab, Mingyu had a cap and face mask on therefore wasn't recognised, but took it off when we got in as the driver was too old to know who he is.

(A/n: kinda rude but oh well lol)

Y/N: "What are you staring at? you turned to face him, he'd been staring the whole journey and you were curious.

Mingyu: "Well that was sudden"

Y/N: "What was?"

Mingyu: "The kiss" his words were laced with cockiness, shock and lust.

Y/N: "Oh, yeah..what about it? your confidence clearly shocked him as he stared eyes wide open and mouth slightly ajar. 

Mingyu: "You're not embarrassed!? 

Y/N: "Just a little kiss" truthfully, you were slightly embarrassed but you wanted to act calm to play with him.

He paused for a while, thinking of what to say. His eyes sparkled and a mischievous grin crossed him.

Mingyu: "Just a kiss eh? So that means you're fine with more than kisses-" he leaned across the middle seat, right next to you. 

Y/N: "You sit your ass down right now unless you want to get killed, from me or from the road!" you pushed him away, avoiding anymore contact.

Mingyu: "Just you wait till we get to the dorm" you blushed harshly at his words and looked away.

— — — 

Wonwoo: "Oh, hey Mingyu and Y/n" he greeted you both, before returning to the living room where some of the members were.

Mingyu went to shower and change, so you went into the living area where Wonwoo, Dino, The8,  Seungkwan and Vernon sat chatting away. You put on some pj's you kept at the dorm, a pair of shorts and a shirt. After, you went in and sat beside Vernon, he looked at you and put his arm around you, like you used to. It felt so easy with Seventeen, you were comfortable with them and now ready to talk about Ju-ne, it helped there not being all 13 though. After speaking for a bit one of them piped up. 

The8: "You never finished telling us about June! How are things?

Y/N: "Well, we're not actually together anymore" you inhaled deeply and smiled.

Boo: "wHAT? Why not!?" everyones eyes were sharply on yours and you told them the whole story. 

Wonwoo: "He cheated!? Jesus...thats horrible" he had a sympathetic look on his face, like the others, expect one-


Vernon: "Chill out Boo." he reached out and tapped him, pushing him down and attempting to control his rage.

Dino: "Sooo he broke up because of him cheating?" he didn't speak too loud, afraid of hurting your feelings? his concern was too cute.

Y/N: "Well that, and something else" you rolled your eyes remembering what he had said.

The8: "Which was?" as he said that, Mingyu walked in, his wet hair covered his forehead and of course he looks irresistible. He said opposite you seeing as you were cuddled up with Vernon.

Y/N: "I wasn't 'proving' enough for him 'physically' " you again rolled your eyes, you said that with no expression and they looked shocked.

Wonwoo: "oh, i wasn't expecting that" he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Jeez, do these boys know noting?

Boo: "Some men are just after one thing" he snapped his fingers sassily and you giggled.

Dino: "....What does that mean?"

Everyone whipped their heads to Dino, i get he's the youngest but do they not learn anything?! Everyone paused for a while but he eventually spoke up again shocking everyone and at that moment Coups came in.

"OOOh, I get it now! Like doing stuff like s-" everyone was going between S.coups and Dino when he belted across the room.

Coups: "WHaT dO yOU thINk yOU'rE DOinG!?" he grabbed Dino by the ear and pulled him to his ear, joking obviously. Hopefully..

The whole room erupted into laughter, Boo rolling on the floor like the extra Boo he was, grabbing our stomaches trying not to make too much sound. 

— — — 

Eventually everyone filed into their rooms, as you'd be working with them tomorrow you stayed over, going to the typical room you shared. Although due to the heavy rain, there was a leak making you wake up at 2am. You groaned and tried to stop it but sadly, you couldn't control the weather. You got up and looked around, it dropped over Mingyu too and unfortunately not Vernon. 

Y/N: "Vernonn, I'm getting wet" you groaned, your voice not as high as usual due to waking up and still being half asleep. 

Hoshi: "YOU'RE WHAT!?" he got up suddenly, staring with huge eyes.

Mingyu: "Oh shut up Hosh, I'm getting wet too" he used his hand to shield the water but it was no use. 

Vernon: "Just shut up all of you and go into the spare room" he said groggily, pushing you away.

Reluctantly you stumbled down the hallway sleepily, Mingyu following behind much more awake. You went into the room only to find one bed.

Y/N: "Oh great. Well, enjoy the floor!" you climbed into the small double only to feel a shift in the bed right next to you.

Mingyu: "I'm not gong anywhere," he rolled over stubbornly. 

Y/N: "Fine I will-" you got up and was about to get onto the floor when he slithered an arm around your waist and pulled you in front of him, laying in his embrace.

Mingyu: "Just be quiet and sleep, not our first time doing this" his breath was hot on the back of your neck, so close you could hear his breathing and heartbeat. 

You felt stiff. You didn't want to move at all so you just played still, it was only when you were on the verge of falling asleep did you fully adjust. 

"Move your arm" you muttered, noticing it still was securely around your waist, your back facing his front, touching ever so slightly.

"Shh, or i'll make it worse" he huskily whispered back, he pulled you into his front so you are now stuck to him and you immediately said no more.

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