Part 35 - Everlasting Ending

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"But how did you know your relationship would be so successful?" 

an interviewer sat opposite you both, eyeing the shiny silver band on your finger and large smiles with posed your face. 

"Very easily, i remembered some advice given to me by a very special person" you replied, turning to Mingyu and he nodded, lovingly, encouraging you to continue.


"True love will find its way even when it seems impossible. Just don't give up ever, the second you give up is when it will be lost. Never give up on love Y/n"


"I've always cherished this advice. Its stuck with me through the darkest times and the highest highs. So if theres one thing our viewers should take away from today, it is to never give up!" you smiled cheerfully and felt a soft peck land on your cheek whilst the camera crew awed and you giggled. 

— — — 

Where am i now?

You may be wondering. Well, very simply I'm with the man i love, in a home i adore and two little kids running around the home we created and built together. Its been a journey, and not an easy one. Theres been twists and bumps in the road and we haven't always known how to handle them. But we do know we love each other.


You awoke to a gentle giggling and shift in the bed. You slowly opened your eyes and were immediately met with another pair, a perfect blend between yours and Mingyu's. You immediately smiled and let yourself be showered in kisses and cuddles from the two lights of your life. 

"Wake daddy up"

you whispered softly, and the menacingly started gently hitting mingyu, playing with his hair and bedsheets whilst you laughed. You went to open the curtains and let the sunlight flood in and giggles fade as he awoke, yawning loudly. 

He mumbled something and they ran off giggling, whilst you stood on his side of the bed, smiling lovingly. You crouched down and lay your head tilted to the side like a puppy and his oceans of eyes started back content in this moment. You both shared a smile and suddenly he pulled you up suddenly, making you squeal. 

Y/N: "Hey! Whats this for?" you giggled and hit his nose as he just grinned widely.

Mingyu: "Just showing my lovely wife some affection, is that a crime, my love?"you blushed harshly.

"Ahh, i still have the same affect on you huh?"

Y/N: "Oh quieten your ego" you slapped his chest and rolled your eyes.

Mingyu: "Hey! I know that eye-roll miss!" he pulled you closer abruptly and you just rolled your eyes again playfully.

"Do that one more time, i dare you" 

You paused, before rolling your eyes and feeling yourself be flipped over and laughter arise form the room. You giggled until you saw his eyes be taken over by lust and butterflies flew quickly in your stomach. He stared down at you and started to lean in. Just as your lips connected, the door swung open and mindless chatter erupted into the room. 

"Mummmm im hungry, when's breakfast!"

"Mummy? Daddy? What are you guys doing?"

He groaned and you just laughed, sitting up and straightening out your hair and top.

"I'll be down in a minute, you guys go wait at the table"

They obediently chased each other down the marble stairs and you turned back to Mingyu shrugging and smirking.

Y/N: "Oh well, what a shame" you pouted and giggled. 

Mingyu: "Not so fast" he said before dragging you back down.

Y/N: "Mingyuu~"

He stuffed his face into the crook of your neck and hugged you tightly, tickling you slightly and not letting you go. He kissed you repetitively, sending smiles on your face and feeling your face go a perfect shade of rose.

"Mingyu, the kids?"

"Lets make another~"

~The end~

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