Part 31 - Honesty

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You sat in his hotel room, a bottle of wine between you and being 100% honest with each other about everything in-between.

Vernon: "I wasn't expecting you to like him for that long, you should've told me sooner Y/n.."

Y/N: "Its not like i don't trust you or anything, you know i do. i just was so afraid of it getting out and i didn't know how you'd react..Ugh its a mess, I'm sorry and i hope you know that i do love you Vernon" you smiled sympathetically, sitting close on the double bed, resting your thoughtful head on his relaxed shoulder. 

Vernon: "Its ok Y/n, i love you too" he sighed, resting his head on yours before drifting asleep with you. 

— — — 

Mingyu POV

We all stammered back towards the hotel after a hectic, fun night out. Everyone was getting along and were too happy/drunk to realise Vernon was missing. Well i didn't anyway. It was going well, spirits were high and everyone was happy. That was until we reached the lobby.

S.coups: "I'll check the time~"

He pulled out his phone and I looked away, not too bothered and continuing joking around with Wonwoo and Jeonghan. 

"WHAT IS THIS!?" He yelled suddenly catching everyone attention. 

Everyone ran over to the phone and I slowly walked over, too dazed to realise. Within seconds, 11 pairs of eyes landed on me, burning a hole through my head with their intense stares. 

"What?" I chuckled, looking down at the phone only to choke almost-

"W-Where did you get that!?" I stuttered, a deep pit forming in my stomach

It was me and Y/n, Hoshi's picture of us in the tent. There were no excuses or lies anymore. Confrontation and questions were brewing and I couldn't escape them. Hoshi looked over desperately at me for a direction, but i had none. And has to come clean. 

Mingyu: "Let me explain..."

— — — 

DK: "So you have had a secret affair going on for a few months?!"

Mingyu: "Uhh, i guess yeah" you rubbed your temples in distress.

The8: "When were you planning on telling us!?"

Mingyu: "Soon?"

S.coups: "Mingyu, you know how difficult this is"

Mingyu: "I know i know...I'm trying to figure it out"

Wonwoo: "Give him a break guys, this is great!"

Boo: "I am extremely hurt that i didn't know."

Hoshi: "Oh give it a break Boo"

Boo: "And you're not bothered?!"

Hoshi: "I already knew" he flipped his hair in satisfaction. 

DK: "How does he know but not me!?"

Mingyu: "Please guys, enough questions..Look i know its not allowed etc, I'm trying to sort it out, just be happy for me and bare with me for a while..ok?"

Joshua: "Just one more Mingyu.."

"What is she to you?"

I stood silent, confused and genuinely and speechless. Y/n..what is she to me..? I turned around and shook my head quietly, hoping they'd understand that i needed time to think.

They all nodded understandably and you made your way up to the hotel rooms. You walked with Joshua, Hoshi and Boo chatting on the way until you reached Josh's room and went in. You felt your skin burn and jealously slowly creep over at the sight.


You suddenly woke up with a shouting Boo in your face, and the other members filled around the room. You and Vernon had agreed to keep this discussion private. 

Y/N: "Oh, hello?"

Boo: "Don't you hello me! What are you two doing!?" he pointed at you, who had your arms around Vernon as you'd just been sleeping. 

Vernon: "Calm down Boo, we're just sleeping. Its not like she's got a boyfriend"

Boo: "OH I THINK I'D HAVE TO DISAGREE" He sassily shouted, whipping out the picture and your jaw dropped.

Y/N: "W-Where did you-"

Mingyu: "Don't worry, they know" he came over and draped an arm across your shoulder, noticeably pulling you away from Vernon and into his hold. Your cheeks burned from the attention and Boo fan-girled in happiness. 

Hoshi: "I SHIP ITTTTT" you all laughed, before heading to your rooms, smiling along the way~

You spoke all night about the relationship with Boo and Hoshi. As you laid down to finally get some sleep, you expected mingyu to be asleep to you tried to be as quiet as possible. But was shocked when you felt him hug you surprisingly. You smiled into the hug and sighed. 

Nothing could beat the way he made you feel. And whatever battles would come would never be enough to divide you both,

and oh boy, were there battles about to come~

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