Part 12 - Confrontation

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You woke up , slightly hungover from last night but with a warm feeling. You opened your eyes and saw the familiar bookshelf, a steamed window covered in rain and a bottle of wine on the floor. You furrowed your eyebrows at the sight. Wine? I dint usually drink on week days but you shrugged it off, too comfortable to worry about such. Then you remembered, work. You groaned and tried to get up but were restricted by a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened in disbelief and a pit formed in your stomach. What did i do last night!? You were clothed luckily, but the strangers arms caused too much of a fear. You slowly turned round and gasped at the sight.


He was sleeping peacefully, and memories from last night came back. No, i don't think we did anything, he just slept over because of the rain. I think. You shook him and he wasn't having any of it.

Mingyu: "Ughh..Woozi leave me alone" he muttered before turning his back to you, you only rolled your eyes and pushed him back to be facing you. 

"Woozi! Whats your problem leave me alone" he mumbled and grabbed the duvet to snuggle into. His adorable act was cute, but still annoying. 

Y/N: "Mingyu get up before this is your last morning" you hit his shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes, only for them to be fully open when you saw you. 

Mingyu: "Y/n!? What are you doing here" he sat up, staring you up and down, a worried expression on his fresh, morning face.

Y/N: "Well this is my apartment so..." you trailed off, smiling wider and he looked around like a lost dog. He then looked back at you, smiled and laid back down.

"What do you think you're doing? you better get out of here I need to go to work" pulling your hair up in a bun you turned to him whilst he just looked at you, smiling. 


Mingyu: "Don't you remember last night?" he said smirking playfully and your heart stopped.

Y/N: "Nothing happened..right?" all your attention was focused on him and his stupid smirk.

Mingyu: "Who knows?" he shrugged, raising his eyebrows, making a 'clueless' face which only made you worry more.

Y/N: "No no it didn't! Nope, you're just playing with me" memories of you two from last night filled your frosted mind and you were reassured. "I see through your lies!" you said smug, going towards your bathroom and disappearing for a shower.

You came out after a cleansing shower, dressed in your usual work attire. You were in your last week of your office job which made you sad, which excited to move forward. You came back into your room only to see Mingyu lying in bed, eyes on you still. 

Y/N: "You're still here?!" you groaned. "Get out Mingyu" you looked at him blankly, hoping your efforts would make him bored and leave. 

Mingyu: "Thats not what you wanted last night, you begged me to stay" he said, arms crossed and a huge grin plastered on his face. You tried to hide your shame and turned to your mirror, fixing yourself. "I see you blushing through the mirror" he said, holding back his laughter. 

Y/N: "I swear to god Mingyu if you don't get out I will hurt you" you said as threatening as you could, despite being a good few inches smaller than him. 

Mingyu: "ONLY IF YOU CAN CATCH ME" he yelled before running off, you wanted to leave him but your inner child came out and you chased him around for a solid 10 minutes straight. 


Minho: "So how's June" he winked at you, collecting his food from your work canteen. 

June.. so he hadn't told Minho yet. You hadn't spoke to him since the incident, he only called once, no texts or anything. He didn't care enough and you tried your best to forget he even existed .

Y/N: "Heh..yeah about that" you coughed, clearing your throat as you two sat down at your usual spot next to the window. "We're not together anymore" you gave a quick smile before looking down at your food. 

Minho: "What!? Why! What happened?" you didn't blame him for being curious, but you really didn't want to remember what had happened. 

Y/N: "I guess we just wanted different things" you tried avoiding the topic as much as possible, but Minho being the person he was wouldn't give up.

Minho: "That's it? But you really liked him, you guys were so good together! He really liked you too!" a confused face looked into your eyes, searching for an answer. 

Y/N: "Well he clearly didn't like me enough to cheat on me!" you said said bitterly, exhaling heavily on the last word, digging into your food violently. 

He fell silent, processing what you said and probably realising he shouldn't of  pushed you. His mouth formed a small 'o', eyes wide and hands kept carefully in his lap. You were nervous, so stole a glance only to see him completely calm, the shocked expression gone without a trace .

Y/N: "What is it? you put down your fork, intrigued by his sudden familiarity with the situation.

Minho: "No I'm shocked! Thats all" he said unconvincingly, coughing and avoiding any form of eye contact.

Y/N: "Minho. What do you know" you lifted his chin with quite a lot of force and made his eyes to look into yours. 

Minho: "No its nothing..just..i don't know." he was clearly trying to find an explanation but you could tell he was hiding something. 

"I mean I'm not surprised or anything.." he winced already knowing what he said was bad.

Y/N: "You're not surprised?" you tried to make sense of his words. 

Minho: "Well i know his track record..i thought you might change him.." 

Y/N: "You knew he would cheat on me?" you said with a hint of disgust, but mainly hurt in your voice. 

Minho: "I didn't think he would!" he looked at you pleadingly, trying to defend himself. 

Y/N: "You set me up with a cheater?" you said, realising everything, feeling your heart beat quicker and a lump form in your throat.

Minho: "Y/n please..listen to me, i genuinely didn't know-" he was cut off by you.

Y/N: "I need to get back to work." you said, not giving him a chance to interrupt. You left your plate and a little bit of trust, walking quickly to your office, holding bak any tears which were on the verge of escaping your eyes. 

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