Part 22 - What if?

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It had been two weeks since the debut and their schedules were packed. From live performances, to interviews, to practising and fan meet ups they were swamped with promotions and you had been in the background of it all. Taking calls and dealing with clients you were assisting them to the best of your ability, but barely managed to actually 'see' them. Any chance you got to wait backstage in performances, you'd be moved away or dropping in on their dance parachutes you'd only manage a hello before being dragged away. It was tiring and difficult, but manageable. 

Wendy had been great. You guys had gotten so much closer and frequently met up, you had formed a small circle of fiends you'd picked up along the way and they were amazing. Breakfast dates, shopping sprees during lunch breaks and too much wine at dinner were all perfect distractions from missing Mingyu.

And then theres Daniel. He was like your twin. You both had the same immature humour and childish acts to play around and have fun together. You were always on FaceTime when nt hanging up face-to-face. Daniel and his friends plus mine formed a fairly large group of roughly 10, and all of you got along so well. Movie nights at Daniel's apartment were a weekly occasion, where you felt truly happy and at peace. They were great support when you felt lonely and it was almost like having all the members with you. Almost like having Mingyu there with you.       Almost

— — — 

Now you were chilling in your apartment. You, Wendy, Seulgi, Joy, Daehwi, Seongwoo, Baejin and Daniel were all chilling in your living room, watching a horror film. At every jump scare everyone would jump, scream, yell or just shout random words followed by excessive laughter. Empty tubs of ice-cream lay carelessly on the floor, liquid-free beer cans were dotted around alongside the odd shoe or jacket. The rain poured endlessly down outside, making you all feel safe for being cooped up inside. Every flash of lightning or roll of thunder would act as another jump-scare and either Joy or Baejin would be immediately alarmed. After a few hours, everyone made their way out into the numbing night. It was just you and Daniel left at this point.

Daniel: "That was fun" he stretched his arms and let a loud yawn escape his mouth.

Y/n: "Yeah, its lovely hearing high pitched girly screams rock my ears, and I'm not talking about Joy" you nudged him playfully, laughing.

Daniel: "Hey! I didn't even scream that much.." he pouted and made a angry, childish expression. 

Y/n: "........Yeah no ok sure" you teased him before getting up and clearing up the mess.

Daniel: "Don't think you're getting away that easily!-" he then pulled me down to the ground and started a play fight. 

Y/n: "Get off me! No Daniel-ahaha! s-stop" you barely could breathe as he attacked you with tickles. 

Daniel: "Apolgozie!" he teased you and continued.

Y/n: "If you don't get off me this second I'm going to flIP" you breathed heavily, trying to escape his hold, laughing exceedingly.

After 10 minutes of tickling torture, Daniel finally agreed to leave as he had work the next day. You hugged and he left, taking a tub of ice-cream with him. You giggled and waved him off and went to change into some comfy clothes. You had changed into Mingyu's dress shirt, you'd grown slightly so it was even shorter but you were going to bed so it didn't matter. Minutes later you heard the doorbell ring and got curious... 

Mingyu POV

I finally had a free evening. I made my way to Y/n's apartment the quickest i could, running up the stairs impatiently. I saw an old friend coming down the hallway. 

Mingyu: "Daniel!" i yelled and caught his attention, he followed my gaze and exploded into his adorable, charming smile. 

Daniel: "Mingyu!! Where have you been?! Oh promotions i bet! I love the new song!! Its my jam" he spoke quickly, making me chuckle, he always managed to make me feel like a little kid again, despite only being a year younger. 

We spoke for a while before he mentioned something which sparked my curiosity.

Daniel: "Well i better go, Y/n let me take this ice-cream and i don't want it to melt! Oh right you wouldn't know her haha, she's just a friend, intact i should introduce you to her sometime, she's great! anyways see ya!" he skipped off and questions filled my head and i couldn't resist.

Mingyu: "Oh yeah i know her, you seem pretty fond of her" i couldn't hold back the hint of jealously which laced my words. 

Daniel: "Well yeah she's cool, funny and really caring. We're really close, she's like a sister to me!" anyway i better run, bye!!" he ran down the corridor and my mind was reassured just about. 

I tried to calm myself down but couldn't help but be slightly aggravated by his words. What if somethings going on between them? What if she likes him now? What if she got bored and needed someone new?

What if we're not meant to be... 

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