Part 18 - Secret Love

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You arrived just in time, showed your badge and went straight to their practise room. You felt happy to see them, but also weak from today. The woman words were great, but would never provide as much comfort as Mingyu did. You felt weak from seeing Ju-ne again, in that made you mad and sad, a range of emotions which failed to leave you. You knocked on the door gently and entered only to be bombarded with noise, noise which you weren't ready for.

Dino: "YOU'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!" running up to you and enveloping you in his arms.

The8: "You look so tired Y/n..are you ok?" he stroked your hair as he wasn't able to reach you from Dino's tight hold. 

Y/N: "Just tired, don't worry about me" you smiled at him and he went back to the others who had already greeted you.

Vernon: "he's right, talk to me about it ok?" he whispered quietly, not wanting to alarm Dino, seeing through your smile. You nodded. You needed his advice in these times. 

DK: "You made it, how have you been?" he tried to look at you but Dino still clung to you like a koala bear. Mingyu stood next to him and you immediately felt better.

Y/n: "Good, busy but good" you suddenly felt Dino's arms fall, instead feeling Mingyu standing very close behind you. "You?" you tried to ignore his obvious crave of attention.

DK: "We've all been busy, but its going well" 

Dino: "Let us show you Y/n!" he was about to pull you but someone interrupted.

Mingyu: "Lets eat first, then show her" his tone cut off Dino and he agreed. The others walked away and you turned to him.

Y/N: "He didn't have to leave" you laughed and looked at him questionably.

Mingyu: "I want some alone time" his voice trailed off and his trailed his fingers up your arms and you went a deep shade of crimson. 

Y/N: "AHem. Not hear" you muttered in-between closed teeth and turned around stopped by a firm grip on your waist.

Mingyu: "Later then." he whispered harshly in your ear and walked away allowing you to finally breathe. 

This is going to be a long day...

— — — 

After hours of practising their dance and perfecting the choreography, the boys eventually agreed it was late enough to go home. One by one they all started to file and, leaving you Mingyu, Woozi and Hoshi at the studio. You had been working with Woozi and it was now 10:44pm. His ideas were so powerful and deep, he clearly puts so much meaning into his lyrics, and some affected you too. You added to them too, understanding his pain, you had a shared emotion in heartbreak so could work together well to express the feeling through music.

After a while Woozi went into another room to work with Hoshi, whilst you sat alone in the studio, looking around the dark walls. The room had been designed so the only lights were the ones which resembled stars on the celling, creating a perfect subtle glow. You heard the door creak and felt a presence sit beside you, immediately knowing who it was.

Mingyu: "What are you thinking about?" he spoke quietly, matching the mood perfectly.

Y/N: "Just reflecting on stuff" you leaned back, looking at him from the side.

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