Part 32 - Leaked info

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You awoke to silence, nothing moving or happening which at first relieved you. Only until you realised you were alone. You went to turn to Mingyu, to shower him in kisses - but he wasn't there. You sat up, and noticed nor were the others. You tilted your head in confusion, taking out your phone. You looked through messages. 

-No new messages-

Odd. You looked through an old group chat of you and your friends and smiled. A few nights ago you had confided in Baejin and told him about Mingyu. He at first was quiet, but soon opened up and wanted to now all about it which you found cute. You smiled remembering, before actually wanting to know what had happened. You got up and opened the curtains, expecting to see a beautiful quaint landscape,

but instead, a paparazzi filled carpark. 

Your stomach made twist and turns and nerves creeped up. What was going on? Did they know SVT were here? It was meant to be kept confidential. You immediately grabbed your phone and dialled the managers number, who failed to pick up. You quickly changed, pulling on leggings and a hoodie and pulled your hair up, not bothering about your appearance before running down to the lobby. 

Cameras flashed. Interviewers screaming in all directions. Desperate for drama and rumours. You borrowed your eyebrows and accidentally knocked into one. As you apologised and turned away, you were grabbed back and before you knew it, surrounded. 




Your heart stopped. The noise only increased and tensioned raised. Your throat dry and eyes blinded by flashes, you panicked. A feeling of panic and worry grew larger and larger, making you loose all focus. A single figure moved quickly towards you, about to reach out and hold you, and thats all you remember before you passed out.

— — — 

Mingyu: "Oh thank god you're finally awake" he sighed, resting his head on your hands which were now linked. 

Y/N: "Uhh, my head. Why am i here. Whats happening? How did i even-"

Mingyu: "Sh, don't worry, just rest. You took a fall and passed out at the 'press conference'"

Y/N: "Press conference?"

Mingyu: "Well, i think its best if you explain this" he then gestured behind him and your manager stepped out, not looking the happiest. 

Manager: "Some secret information was leaked earlier in the morning about the relations between you and Mingyu.."

You gulped, knowing immediately it was your fault but couldn't figure out what you'd done.

"Yes well this 'person' some extremely PRIVATE information about you and Mingyu to 'Korea daily' and now its caused an uproar. Fans are going crazy and reporters are craving answers. Answers only you two have. So tell me between us. What is going on?"

You both remained silent, looking down ashamed. Of course everyone was too good to be true, of course it wouldn't work out. Good things must come to an end, and your time was now. 

Y/N: "Yeah we've been..seeing each other" you said sheepishly, playing with the hem of your hoodie shyly. 

Manager: "Y/N you know what the rules were-"

Mingyu: "Don't take it out on her, it was my fault"

Manager: "Whoever's fault, we're in a difficult situation that i quite frankly don't know how to escape from,

So, what do you suggest?"

Again you couldn't decide. Out of years of education, analysing, problem solving. And now that you reached a dilemma you were so passionate about, you had nothing. Not a single solution crossed your mind, and the last resort the only one. 

"Lets break up, 

for real this time"

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