Part 14 - Bothered

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Boss: "I've given you and Yan an {A/n: he's not in a band lol} the front page for the newspaper today, you'll be interviewing at a Kpop agency, I know you're leaving soon but don't think you can slack off! now hurry before you're late" and with that, he dismissed you from his office. 

Front page!? FRONT PAGE! You were elated. You were finally allowed to write a FRONT PAGE article, on Kpop, something you had little to no knowledge on! You were too happy to worry about any 'small' details like that, and focused on your day out with Yan an. You had worked together before and got on really well, but were put on different floors to train the newbies. 

— — — 

You skipped enthusiastically down the bustling streets, Yan an struggling to keep up with you.

Yan an: "Slow down Y/n, you're going too fast!" he ran after you, both laughing a lot. 

"You don't even know here you're going stupid" he rolled his eyes and grabbed your first lightly, directing you in the right direction. 

Y/N: "Sorry i get carried away" you were berthing heavily, catching your breathe after running frantically for 15 minutes straight. 

Yan an: "Don't worry, lets just go to the actual head quarters, not a museum" he pointed up to the huge building in front and you shared a laugh, before arriving. 

Ohhhh no. You arrived at the one and only Pledis. You hid your worries and went in, meeting eyes with a familiar receptionist. Luckily, she didn't blow your cover. 

After walking for hours on a tour you'd already been on, you both sat down for lunch in the large canteen. you sat on a sectioned off area, still able to see the idols who would pass through every now and again. 

Yan an: "Isn't this fun!" he munched his food happily, looking around like a curious kid. 

Y/N: "Im getting some good stuff, you?" 

Yan an: "Yeah, I'm almost finished. I've left enough room for the interview."

Y/n: "Oh shoot, i forgot to" 

Yan an: "I'll help, I'm good at sorting out your messes" he smirked at you and pulled his chair next to you, leaning in to sort it out. 


We'd been practising for what felt like forever! Eventually it was time for a break so me and few of the members went to the canteen for some food. I joked with Wonwoo as we entered, and spread out whilst looking for our food, i didn't even notice she was here at first, not until Dino spotted her. 

Dino: "Ah! Isn't that Y/n" he spoke excitedly, pointing to her. 

Joshua: "It is, she's here with someone, maybe a colleague. Well if she's on work we shouldn't bother her" he smiled at her before walking back to the vending machine. 

I on the other hand couldn't stop staring at her that easily. She was sitting with a boy i'd never seen before, he looked pretty interested in her. I don't know why but i started to feel..overprotective? Not jealous...nooo, definitely not jealous..right? I tried to shrug it off but when he picked up his chair and sat right beside her, my feelings intensified. They were so close, and she didn't look remotely bothered or uncomfortable. Why does she get so uncomfortable when its with me? I was spiralling and caught myself when i was awoken.

Jun: "We gotta get back before everyone else needs to come in" he ushered you out but you looked again, seeing the guy touch her face and you felt as if you were going to explode. 

— — — 


After lunch it was time for the interviews. You and Yan an would interview two idols together, male and female. You were so exited and waited patiently in the little room you had been assigned. You ran through your questions and agreed you'd take it in turns to ask both idols questions. Suddenly the door opened and you immediately felt butterflies in your stomach. And as if destiny played a part, you have been brought together once again. 

Yan an: "I'm Yan an and this is Y/n, no need for an introduction from you both" he laughed lightly, earning a laugh from the female idol. The other remained quiet, smiling but only at your clear embarrassment. 

"So lets start with the obvious one, whats it really like being an idol?" 

Yuha: "Well as you can imagine its so much fun!" she spoke for a while, yan an taking notes diligently but you could only focus on Mingyu. 

He was in gym clothes, a bead of sweat coming down his forehead. Looking so good you literally couldn't hear what she was saying.

Yan an: "Your turn" he nudged you gently and you went back into action mode. 

Y/n: "So Yuha, how do you feel about the dating policy" you ignored Mingyu and focused only on her, you knew it would annoy him but you didn't care. 

Yuha: "Well its annoying, but manageable. Sure it would be fun but I'm sure i can bend the rules in a few years" she joked and you laughed back.

"I do love love though, i satisfy my needs with dramas! In fact, seeing how cute you two are is enough for me!" you both laughed at her comment.

Yan an: "We're not a couple, yet" he put his arm around you and pulled you close. She shrieked and they both laughed, you smiled and looked over to Mingyu who looked indescribably mad..?

Yuha: "Awee! You would be so cute, don't you think Mingyu" her smile grew and tapped Mingyu's shoulder but he remained cold.

Mingyu: "I think she'd suit someone else better" his deep tone sent a shiver down your spine and you couldn't manage to look at him.

The rest of the interview went smoothly, Mingyu replied when he had to but it felt as though he'd burn a hole through your head with how harshly he was staring at you. You left the company, went back to the office and agreed to write the articles separately and meet to put it all together over the weekend. 

You arrived home at 5pm and had a shower. You were still in a towel when your doorbell rang violently. You shouted that you were coming, and opened the door, shocked at the sight.

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