Part 9 - Unwanted feelings

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Ju-ne and i had been dating for a few days and i didn't know how i felt honestly. He'll sometimes not reply, or won't be there if I'm having a bad time, he doesn't always think of me and has even forgotten one of our dates. But my stupid heart still really likes him. I see the good in him, even if it is only a little bit. I didn't tell the members 'everything' about our relationship, just the good parts. I didn't want them worrying like i was..

The wind howled eagerly on a chilly autumn day. The once green leaves now turned a faded orange, crisp on the frosted over pavement only to be stepped on by cold feet. The trees branches were thin and bony desperate for some protection form the jarring wind. The shook in the elements easily, a line of small trees were along the paved roads, going on for ages. Their beauty never failed to leave them. As i started out my frosted window, i saw someone ringing the buzzer to my apartment. I couldn't tell who but went to let them in anyway.

I opened my door only to see Mingyu in a big coat, his nose was reddened at the end due to the bitter weather. He looked adorable making you smile and ushered him in.

Y/N: "I'll get you some tea" you said whilst hanging up his coat as he sat at your small breakfast bar breathing into his hands for warmth.

Mingyu: "How British could you get?" you both laughed. "No Ju-ne today?" You had passed on the message that June was sorry for his behaviour, Mingyu didn't buy it but you just shrugged it off and decided to ignore it.

Y/N: "Is there a reason you're here?" you passed him the tea and took a sip of your own, standing in front of him.

Mingyu: "Not really, i just had a free schedule and thought i'd swing by my favourite girls house☺︎" he smiled genuinely and took a big sip from his tea. You felt your heart flutter at those words. You couldn't hold back your smile, but decided to play it off. These feelings are going to be the death of me.

"So, hows Ju-ne" you could feel the bitterness in his voice, he didn't care about June, but he did care about you.

Y/N: "Yeah..its going well" you worse a fake smile and nodded slightly. Ju-ne was meant to pick you up for a date earlier but had to cancel due to work.

Mingyu: "I know you're lying Y/n" he put down his mug and looked at you. His eyes were full of worry and love. Two things you needed so dearly. "I know you're not happy ".

You sighed heavily, looking away from his eyes you just let out everything on your mind

Y/N: "I guess things weren't like they were at the beginning. I feel like he's lost an interest and its forced in a way. But feeling like someones there makes it worth it, he provides some stability i haven't had in a long time..I know he's changed but i can't let go of his past self..i don't want to loose love" you whimpered slightly, saying it out loud made you realise how silly you were.

Mingyu: "But you're in love with his 'past self'. You don't need a boy to make you happy Y/n, you need to move on" his words shocked you slightly, you expected it but break up? Thats a bit extreme.

Y/N: "No..I can't do anything yet, I like him too much and he's going through a lot. I want him to b happy-"

Mingyu: "But you're not!" he pronounced quite loudly. His eyes were now quickly searching into yours "You need to put yourself first for once!" he pleaded at you.

Your eyes started back, your breathing rate quickened and you didn't know what to do. You needed to be alone.

Y/N: "I need some time on my own.." you whispered, turning your back.

Mingyu: "Don't push me away Y/n, you need me" you spoke softly, approaching you slowly.

Y/n: "I need June!" you spat out quickly. You didn't realise your words till after and now it was too late.

Mingyu: "Fine" he exhaled heavily before walking away, grabbing his coat and leaving.

And within a second you were alone. It only took a second for you to go from a full to empty heart. Mingyu brought you so much joy, but so much heartbreak. You felt strongly about him but couldn't figure out and differentiate if they were friendly or more than friends. You stood with your back to the door and went down slowly. Landing carefully, leaning your aching head against the thick wooden door. With Ju-ne I didn't have these upsets..with Ju-ne. I needed june. I didn't need Vernon..or DK..or any of them.

I needed June.

☾☼Unbreakable Bond ~ Mingyu ff☼☽Where stories live. Discover now