Part 13 - Perfect Distraction

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You weren't even that upset by Minho. His disloyalty barely affected you, you loved him too much to let this ruin your friendship. It was the memories of Ju-ne which hurt the most. All his broken promises, lies and fake love filled your mind and you couldn't escape from his wrath. You were so desperate to forget about him but nothing would work. You stared vacantly out into a bustling city below you. You could see the restaurant from your first date far down the street and you felt your eyes become watery and a sharp pain pierce your heart. 

For the rest of your day you buckled down and focused purely work

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For the rest of your day you buckled down and focused purely work. You were finishing your last document when Mingyu texted you. 

~Hows work going? ☺︎~

~Terrible honestly ☹Can't wait to go home and relaxx~

~Sorry about your bad day, the others were hoping you'd visit, i can tell them you're not feeling great if you want~

You felt bad. You'd barely seen them these past few days so decided to put them first and go

~Dont worry, i'll be there at 7 :P~

~Alright, take care~

How is it possible to have your heart beat 5x faster by a text? 


Once dressed more casually, you left to go into the cold, silent streets of Seoul

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Once dressed more casually, you left to go into the cold, silent streets of Seoul. After battling harsh winds, getting attacked by dying leaves and a bumpy taxi ride, you arrived at the boys dorm and rang it only a couple of hundred times. A dazed Dino opened it mindlessly, and looked liked he'd seen ghost once he spotted me. Strangely, a drastic boost in energy.

Dino: "Y/NNNNNNNNN!!!!!" He practically screamed in my face and i quickly closed the door behind me and pushed my finger against lips whilst he continued to squeal. 

Y/N: "Shh Dino! Its meant to be a surprise" you scolded him but he merely ignored him and pulled you into a tight bear hug. You expected it and welcomed the feeling of love, a much needed feeling. 

After five minutes, everyone had gathered in the main living room, chatting, joking around and talking about any life updates. Everything went well, connecting with the boys brought you so much joy. Every now and again Mingyu would catch your eye and warm smiles would be exchanged, making your heart flutter. Get a grip woman!

Coups: "Oh and your boyfriend! Hows he treating you?" 

The8: "Ooh, you've barely spoken about this mystery guy" he said, sliding next to Coups on one of the sofas. 

DK: "Ju-ne isn't it?" 

All the colour drained from your face and you gulped hard. Your chest got tighter and you felt sick, recalling the moment in your head. They didn't know either. Luckily they were distracted amongst themselves, giving you time to think about a way to shut the conversation down. Caught up in your worries, you were snapped out by a hand on your back and a tall figure close behind you.

Mingyu: "She'll tell you all about him in a minute, I need to borrow you quickly" he didn't even give you time to react, but pulled you into the hallway.

He held you but your waist, checking around the corner, a relieved expression on his face as he noticed they were distracted. He then looked back to you, realising how close your faces were. It hadn't been like this since the storm a week ago, but the pounding in your heart remained you of how good it felt. Before anything else could happen, footsteps were heard and you took the initiative and pulled him harshly into the door behind you, a storage cupboard. 

Joshua: "Y/n? Mingyu? Where did they run off to.."

Jeonghan: "I don't know, they said they needed to talk? Lets just give them some privacy" he yawned and dragged his feet to his shared bedroom. 

A heavy sigh of relief escaped your parted lips. Mingyu found a dull, flickering light which wasn't too visible, but showed just how close you were. His body heat radiated onto you and the cupboard felt like it was shrinking! He was pressed onto you slightly as you backed up against the wall, praying to the lord multiple times. {A/n: imagine being in this situation ahhh} After a few minutes everyone had filed into their rooms and you were about to leave, before two more pairs of feet stood directly infant of the door.

Hoshi: "Don't you think those two are a bit suspicious?" 

Jun: "Y/n and Mingyu? What do you been by that.."

Hoshi: "Disappearing, all the looks between then, leaving together" there was a suggestive tone to his voice making you gulp. 

Jun: "I think i know what you're hinting at" you could sense the mood and heard Mingyu chuckle lightly, deepening your blush. 

Hoshi: "I want to be the first to find out whats going on, maybe they're up to something right now"  he wiggled his eyebrows causing Jun to laugh.

Jun: "Sure, lets not mention anything to the members, it'll only worry them" hoshi agreed and they went separate ways. 


Y/N: "That was so close" you joked and wiped your forehead, looking up into his gorgeous eyes trying to to blush.

Mingyu: "Yeah" he hummed, amused by your reaction. "Make a good couple" he smiled.

Y/N: "We'd what!?" your eyes widened and stuttered.

Mingyu"-I mean Hoshi and Jun" he chuckled huskily and you mentally slapped yourself

Y/N: "Oh, pfft, yeah same" you tried to act cool and he laughed even more. "Sh! You'll blow our cover" you laughed playfully and smiled. 

"We better get out of here" you giggled again, making your way out carefully.

After successfully exiting you both went to the the front door, joking on the way. You both said goodbye, coming up with any excuse for you to stay longer. After procrastinating enough, he walked you outside into the dark night. You breeze was strong, leaves whipping around you and the trees shook in the wind. But the cold night couldn't take away the overgrowing warmth in your heart you felt looking at the man in front of you. An everlasting love which you had a strong feeling would never leave~

☾☼Unbreakable Bond ~ Mingyu ff☼☽Where stories live. Discover now