Part 34 - Amor

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The door dramatically swung open, turning all attention to it from the tiny conference room. You were too caught up in the question to look or worry about who it was, instead carried on looking down, fiddling with your skirt and running through possible answers. A thick gasp smoked the room and a thud fell beside you. You met eyes with the interviewer who was just starring, shocked. You turned to your right only to have your eyes bulge out and your jaw drop. Stunned, amazed, in awe. All feelings which created a cage, enabling you from speaking. Instead you just sat staring, dumbfounded.

"U-Um, what are you doing here...?"

No response, just a firm grip encase your hand and a heavy, noble sigh.

"My name in Kim Mingyu,

Cameras flashed, microphones raised and everyone held their breathe. No one even breathed or blinked, instead stared captivated by this man beside you.

and i am madly in love with Y/n"

- - -

"Love huh?"

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"Love huh?"

Mingyu: "Shut up" he laughed, looking out, golden tones reflecting on his perfect face.

"But i thought we were over?"

Y/N: "Oh i just said it for your sake" you scoffed, looking away displeased and unsatisfied.

Mingyu: "You know, you really worried me then"

Y/N: "How?"

Mingyu: "I..I didn't know if that was it. For us i mean" he trailed off, looking out again as the soft waves crashed on the sandy beach.

"And what is us..?"

It was your turn to look away now as you surveyed the golden ocean, scaled with crimson tones and a savannah glow. A yellow globe sinking into the background, loosing light but still apparent enough. These were the kind of sunsets you enjoyed.

he ones which silently surrendered, dying unknowingly

and the ones with him by your side.

But he still hadn't answered your question.


He again paused, thinking in depth and with an unreadable expression. You were so desperate to know an answer. You found yourself madly in love with him, and now you thought he felt the same, but could never tell. And him not answering wasn't helping. You don't know why, but it worried you so so much.

"I don't know..."

You'd always been an over thinker, but he was testing your strength with his words and it severely panicked you to your shaky heart. Memories of Ju-ne filled your mind and you were so afraid of it reoccurring you needed an escape. Tonight was meant to be a peaceful night, but turned into a panicked state,

and you were too afraid to know the truth.


The worlds mumbled out and you got up to leave, indescribable feelings rushing to your spinning head. But every was brought back to reality very quickly. Before you could float away, a wrist grabbed yours and you spun back around.

"Y/n wait. I know how i feel, i know everything, i've always known! Its always been you and it will always be you! You're my first and last thought, my 4pm visions and 4am dreams. Your blissful voice and stunning features crawl into my mind and invade my privacy, but i don't care!

"But i'm so messy..and clumsy, and-"

"I don't care! I love your clumsy falls and trips. Your loud, obnoxious laugh which gives me a headache. Your stubbornness and jealousy. All these little traits which you hate, i adore. i'm in awe of your very being and i couldn't live another day without you.

You felt your eyes tear up and burn powerfully. No one had ever said such nice things and it tugged on your heart.

"Y/n.. when i almost lost you again..i-i didn't know what i'd do with myself. Y/n you mean so much to me, and if it means loosing fans, its worth it, you're worth it. I will never loose you again, no person or force will ever take you away. You awaken my soul, bring peace to my mind and light a fire i didn't know would alight again.

He started to choke up and you pulled him close into an incising hug. His scent intoxicating you and letting all stresses escape and unfold. You damped his shirt with soft tears, and listened to his quickly beating heart. You stroked his hair and whispered soothingly, just like his grandmother did like he told you.

"I love you so much Y/n"

"I love you too..."

- - -

Flashback to interview

Everyone stared at you like you were an alien, evil or some weird form of creature. Their stares killed you and made you feel so out of place.

"You love her?" the interviewer questioned snappily.

"But why?"

"You do realise it won't work out, you're an idol and she's just a commoner"

"it'll never work out!"

You felt yourself get upset, but tried to push those upsets and worries away, channeling your energy from the warm hand which eloped yours.

"i believe true love will always find a way" you spoke up and now everyone looked at you

"And we will find ours,


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