Part 8 - Official?

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Y/N POV - 1 week later

This past week had run pretty smooth. I was getting much closer with the members, me and Mingyu hadn't really spoken about the 'upset' but continued to get much closer. June and i had been on a few more dates too! Things were going well, although they weren't official or anything, I was starting to really like him, my biggest flaw. Developing strong feelings way too quickly. And trusting/forgiving even quicker.

I lay on the sofa with my legs on Wonwoo's lap, the boys quarrels over whatever game they were playing was mute to me as i was too captivated by the book i was reading. I felt the couch shift as Wonwoo got up and i groaned as i was so comfy. He was replaced by Mingyu though, which immediately put a smile on my face. Mingyu came closer, sitting beside me, seeking attention per usual. I laughed lightly at his neediness and gave in.

Y/N: "What?" 

Mingyu: "I'm bored" he replied bluntly, putting his arms behind his head using them as a pillow.

Y/N: "Why do i need to know that?" you sighed as he rested an arm around your neck, affectionate as always.

Mingyu: "Because no one here is any fun expect you" he said sluggishly, burying his head into the crook of your neck. 

Little movements like these made you think your heart would stop at any moment. In these moments, Seventeen, June, all responsibilities disappeared and you had to control over the redness consuming your face. You pat his head softly trying to shake off the feelings.


The8: "Mingyu! get it I'm about to beat Coups!" he said, excitement raising in his voice and he hit his controller desperately hoping for a miracle.

Coups: "Pfft, you wish, i'll show you how its done little boy" replying, his ruffled The8's hair causing him to loose focus and from there on out, a play fight started. I swear these two need some chill..

Mingyu rose eventually after complaining and protesting, slowly going to the door and opening it only for his soft, childlike behaviour to change in an instant. Instead, a manly, tough exterior was worn as he folded his arms and his voice dropped instantly. You were curious so you pulled yourself to the door and peeked only to be terrified at the sight.

Mingyu: "Who the hell are you?" he asked sharply, his tone blunt and intimidating.

Ju-ne: "Why don't you ask her" he pointed at you, acting tough but you saw through his mask.

Mingyu turned to you with his harsh look  and you gulped before speaking up.

Y/N: "Mingyu, this is june, june this is Mingyu. I didn't expect you would meet this way aha.." you scratched the back of your neck hoping the ground would swallow you up right there and then. But instead you stood infant of two of your favourite people, who already hated each other.

Ju-ne: "Yeah I dont do introductions, we'll be off" he spat in Mingyu's face, grabbing your wrist harshly and pulling you out the door, owning you as his.

Mingyu: "Hey! Go easy on her, don't touch her like that" he growled down at him, anger flooding his face and his posture turning much more masculine and protective. 

Ju-ne: "I'll do whatever I want with her" and with that, he snaked an arm around your waist pulling you even closer and pulled you both out the door. You tried looking back but failed many times, but the one glance you stole said everything. Mingyu looked at him with nothing but pure hatred and you couldn't cope anymore. 

You got into his car and turned to face him, instead he kept a firm grip on the wheel and sped off. 

Y/N: "What was all that about!?" you shouted at him, searching for some consolation but not receiving any as he just shook his head. "Whats that supposed to mean?! Look i know Mingyu can be quite overprotective at times but i promise he's a really-"

Ju-ne: "I don't care about Mingyu! I don't care about those stuck up boys, or their fame and money, why did you have to make me go there!?" he looked at you and his stare burned through you. He also knew how to get to you, but unlike Mingyu it didn't make you feel good at all. You felt vulnerable and afraid.

For the rest of the journey you travelled in silence, reflecting on everything. When you got up to your apartment you unlocked it, and slammed the door as soon as he got in. You took off your shoes and went straight to your bedroom, needing a break. And after an hour you heard gentle knocking. "Y/n..please, we need to speak"his voice was gentle now and your habit of forgiveness allowed him in.

Ju-ne: "Just please let me speak." you nodded and he continue. "I was stupid, i didn't think what i said through and i know realise how irrational it was. I guess i just felt intimidated, them being so successful, me showing up made me look so weak and inferior to them. I was embarrassed and lashed out, using you as the most voluble thing i had.." he couldn't look you in the eye which you couldn't figure out was him being too afraid or him lying.

"I really am sorry and i'll get it if you don't want to carry this on.."

Y/N: "But what is this? i need to know where i stand with you June! I don't want to be the only one with feelings I just can't figure out where your heat lies" your voice cracked slightly, pouring your heart out and not knowing how he would react. 

You bit the inside of your cheek, the soft blankets beneath you provided no comfort. A quiet clock struck and the distant murmur of traffic was the only thing to be heard. So much commotion occurred outside but in this small room, time stood still. Your eyes analysed his every detail, desperate for something, anything! But his eyes remained on the ground. Some time passed before he spoke up.

Ju-ne: "I want to make us official."  

Your eyes widened and you started blankly.

Y/N: "W-What?" you coughed, your voice was barely audible. "What d-did you just say?"

Ju-ne: "Please Y/n let me show you how much you mean, i'll start over with your friends, I just can't loose you" this time, looking at you, holding your shaking hands. His look was never readable or clear, you just had to go off your gut. And even though a voice in the back of your head told you otherwise, you spoke up eventually. 

Y/N: "Y-Yes?" you stated softly, before being squashed by his embrace. You were so confused, you couldn't process things. But right now, his hug was what you needed. You needed someone.

☾☼Unbreakable Bond ~ Mingyu ff☼☽Where stories live. Discover now