Part 4 - A stormy evening

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His eyes pierced yours as he looked deeply into your orbs. You felt your cheeks burning just at his simple gaze. Collecting yourself you looked away, but could still feel his gaze heavy on you.

Hoshi: "This is Y/n, Mingyu! She's our new assistant, how adorable is she" he showed his iconic smile as he wrapped an arm around you ruffling your hair and you smiled sheepishly. 

The8: "You ok hyung, you look a little shook" drawing the attention to Mingyu as the others looked puzzled. "You know each other?".

Mingyu: "No, she just looks familiar" he said cooly reassuring the others whilst sending you a small smirk which the other members seemed to ignore, but you certainly didn't feeling heat in your face again.

They went on to explain how you knew Vernon, but Mingyu didn't seem too interested, he just had a fixed gaze on you. Whilst you all continued to get to know each other, you heard heavy rain pour from outside. Some of the younger ones ran to the window examining the downpour whilst you were too coerced on how you would get home as you didn't have a car and the manager had left.

Y/n: "Well i better call a cab before the weather gets worse, thanks for having me guys" you sent a quick smile to them all before heading to the door.

DK: "You can't go out in this weather! Its way too heavy, a big storm is on its way, its too dangerous and i can't bear to have my poor little Y/n get hurt" he cuddled you softly.

Jun: "He's right" he said turning on the TV. "Reporters say you shouldn't be driving, so even if you wanted to go, no cabs are available".

Y/n: "Well what do I do? Where am i gonna stay.." nervous now, you started pacing the hallway.

Jeonghan: "Why don't you just slay over? Theres a spare bed in our of the dorm rooms somewhere, if you're not comfortable you could always stay in Vernon's room" he reassured.

All the members came up with a plan between themselves leaving you no choice but to stay. After dinner you took a shower in one of the bathrooms and looked at the clothes some of the members had supplied for you. A white dress shirt which barely covered your thighs, but it was appropriate enough you figured. You didn't want to cause a fuss by asking for something else, so you dried your hair and put it in a messy bun before leaving. Most of the members were asleep by now so you made your way to Vernon's room. You didn't realise he also shared it with Mingyu and Dino. 

Dino greeted you from across the room happily, he was always excited to see you. Everyone had their own bed, two singles and a double. Vernon was luckily sprawled across the double so you figured you'd slip in beside him. 

It didn't work. 

You sat in the empty kitchen, staring out the large glass window

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You sat in the empty kitchen, staring out the large glass window. The raindrops hit the window harshly and raced each other to the bottom. The sound of heavy rain had always comforted you, making you feel safe tucked away from it. But the thunder kept you up. It boomed endlessly, as if shouting for help in the lonely, endless night. Times like these you'd be comforted, but being alone you felt slightly scared. You were so engrossed in the rain, you didn't even realise someone was behind you.


I watched her carefully, i'd never seen such beauty. She sat with her chin in her hand staring into darkness, an angel who stood out amongst hell. Lightening lit up her face revealing her perfect structure and beauty. I couldn't hold back anymore, and walked up to her and sat besides her. She turned around and was shocked at first, but i noticed her relax as i smiled warmly.


Y/n: "Oh! i didn't notice you come in" you said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

Mingyu: "I just came for water, whats keeping you up?" he said softly.

Y/n: "Just the lightening" you felt like a coward, being afraid of such a simple thing, but something about his presence allowed you to open up. "its so loud, scared me ever since I was little" you admitted.

Mingyu: "that's adorable" he chuckled softly at your fear.

Y/n: "Hey" you punched his shoulder lightly. 

He looked up at you and smiled. His smile..It warmed your heart seeing how adorable he looked in the soft glow of a single orange candle. A warm light shone softly, showing each others features. You couldn't take your eyes off him, every look took your breath away and you didn't even realise how close you two were. You gulped looking down at his lips. He edged closer. Closing the gap between you and making you cheeks glow ever brighter. He was about to kiss you when you heard footsteps approaching. You pulled away quickly and got up, getting yourself water. 

Woozi: "Oh, what are you guys doing up?" 

Y/n: "just getting water!" you said panicking slightly. "well I'm off to bed; NiGhT!" you shouted slightly before running to the dorm room.

Woozi: "she's an odd one huh" he chuckled before pouring himself a glass of water and walking out. 

Mingyu: "She sure is unique.." he said quietly, still dazed after the 'almost kiss'. 

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