Part 28 - Sea, Seasons & Stars

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"Wake up"

He whispered sweetly in your ear, awakening you out of a soulful slumber. You yawned and stretched, looking at him blissfully. He smiled widely and the others poked their heads into the van.

"You coming?"

You nodded and they left, leaving you two alone. There was a slight awkwardness between you both but it quickly vanished as he stole a quick kiss. You looked at him shocked, and he just chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you out. 

You arrived at the campsite, a little clearing, surrounded by tall pine trees

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You arrived at the campsite, a little clearing, surrounded by tall pine trees. It was gorgeous. You were completely distanced from the bustling city, pollution and sound. Only bird sound and deep green painted towering trees rustle could be heard. You all rushed around, giggling and shouting, setting my the tents. 

Vernon: "Josh! Be careful you're gonna break something for gods sake"

Joshua: "Well he lost the manual so its not my fault!"

Wonwoo: "Don't look at me, it was Boo who was in charge"

Boo: "I'm a fabulous leader" he put his hands on his hips and pouted.

S.coups: "I think you'll find I'm the leader here" he flicked his ear and the others laughed. 

Dino: "Do you need any help Y/n!" he shined brightly in your face, making you giggle and ruffle his hair.

Y/N: "Sure thing!" you smiled in return and trotted off to your selected area. You hadn't decided on who would share tents, but you figured you'd be alone.

You and Dino spent some time trying to figure out how to assemble the tent. Laughing a lot and playing around together meant you had a lot of fun. Everything was going great, the journey, the company, the memories ~ well, everything but the actual tent you were meant to be building!

After a while you had still made barely any progress, and at this point you were both just messing about completely. Dino was chasing you around the woods, not to far in though. He then caught you off guard and you screamed. He attacked you with an explosion of tickles, making you shriek and laugh. 

Y/N: "D-Dino! Stop-STOP before i kill you" you barely managed, laughing loudly whilst he had you on the ground, the dirt didn't bother you.

Dino: "This is revenge for loosing the nails!"

Y/N: "Dino i swear to- AHAHAHA, STOP!" You couldn't hold back, giggling excessively.

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