Part 30 - Betrayed By You

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You'd all been getting ready for a while now. You barely got the chance to go out as a group due to the media, therefore when you did go out you would all have to split up into small groups so it wasn't obvious who they were. You wore a little black dress with a denim jacket and some heavier make-up. It was nothing too much, but made you look more mature. You smiled at your reflection but suddenly the bathroom-door opened.

Y/N: "I'm still getting ready!" you yelled trying to stop whoever it was from entering but it was too late, and Mingyu came in, shutting the door behind him. 

"Oh its just you" sighing and turning back around to finish off your look.

Mingyu: "Wow" he looked you up and down, smirking making you feel shy.

Y/N: "Dont stare.."

Mingyu: "You look beautiful baby"

Baby he'd never called you anything like that, and it made your heart race, but also sad as he could never do this in public, or even in front of the others.Your thoughts were paused as he came behind you, hugging you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder. 

Mingyu: "Ready to go out?" you could hear his excitement easily, this was probably the first night out they'd had together ever since their big promotions.

Y/N: "Yeah" you hummed, turning around to face him, smiling and pecking his lips.

He pulled you back into another kiss and you were lost in heaven momentarily. You tangled your hands in his hair. The kiss was amazing, as always. He pulled you closer, reaching new limits which sent butterflies swarming your stomach. You both were caught up when the door nocked and opened quickly, revealing a very sudden member. 

Boo: "Lets go guys!" he shouted, before closing the door again, luckily he hadn't seen you both and you felt your heart rate increase further-more.

You both exhaled heavily in relief, before laughing and leaving for the night.

— — — 

You arrived at a very crowded arcade with Vernon Minghao and Jun. They all immediately sprawled out across the various machines and you felt your inner child come out. You rushed over to Vernon who was sitting alone at a multi-player machine and you both went into competition mode. Giggling, shouting and a bit of swearing were the only things to be heard throughout the arcade, and you & Vernon had never been happier~

Many wins and looses later, you both went outside for some air and to talk.

Vernon: "I've missed times like these Y/n" he smiled, looking at you whole-heartedly whilst you drunk water.

Y/n: "Just like back home eh?" you giggled and took another sip and he approached you.

Vernon: "It wasn't the same without you.." he was looking at you more intensely and you felt a little uncomfortable from his sudden approach. 

Y/N: "Same, we don't hang out as much anymore"

Vernon: "Y/n..I-"

Suddenly his phone pinged and he looked down. He furrowed his eyebrows and opened up a message whilst you stepped back slightly, drinking more. He suddenly gasped and almost dropped his phone, making you look up worried.

"Whats wrong!?"

He didn't answer, just looked up at you, shock riddled his face. You tried asking gaining but he just gulped and a thousand emotions ran through his face like a movie screening. You came closer, holding his arm for comfort but he snatched it away. 


His words hurt you, and you now were even more upset and concerned. You snatched his phone only to reveal the picture of you and Mingyu. Of course..there was the other van..


He shook his head and continued to look down, a lost puppy in front of you, weak and hurt. And you caused this. You'd never felt so guilty and immediately regretted not telling him. This little secret you'd been keeping seemed so fun and innocent. But seeing Vernon like this in front of your now watering eyes, you realised how childish you'd been. 

"Vernon i promise i can-"


This situation seemed familiar, as if a distant memory was replaying, and thats when it hit you...


You walked in on the scene played out before your watery eyes. Betrayal was the only emotion which stabbed your heart violently.


You held up your hand, telling him to stop.

"Don't ever come near me again"

Current day

His hurt and pain was like yours...which made you feel even worse. You recalled the feelings of pain and heartache and guilt swallowed you completely You had nothing to say for yourself, your actions and betrayal portrayed you and you couldn't stop his anger, instead let him endure these feelings, and let the hot tears fall.

"I'm sorry..." 

was all that you could manage. Your voice had the familiar crack and he looked up slowly. Even if Vernon was hurt, the thing that hurt more was you being upset. He sighed sadly, a heavy sorrow leaving his mouth but meaning that he felt slightly better. 

The mistake you made last time would not happen again

sure, this night was important for you all,

but whats even more important?


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