Part 33 - Interruption

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"You heard me..."

You couldn't face him. You couldn't bare the pain you were inflicting on not only him but also yourself. This torture manipulated you and you felt your, what was once a very full heart, physically hurt.  

Mingyu: ""Y/n, this is too extreme, we don't have to do this! We will be ok, we don't need to actually break-up.. its too mu-"

Y/N: "No, I've made my mind up. Look this will be good for you! You can continue your career freely..and i can do mine. 


Mingyu: "If you think I'm letting you go agai-"

Manager: "She's right."

Mingyu: "You're ok with this!?"

Y/N: "Well its not an ideal situation but-"

Mingyu: "No buts! Theres no way in hell I'm loosing you again!"

Y/N: "Mingyu stop, this isn't getting anywhere, I'm doing this for you!"

Mingyu: "If you care the stay with me! Right Manager?"

Manager: "She needs to work independently, and you're much better off without her at this point in the promotions. Mingyu this could ruin your life, is she really worth it?"

He stood there silent, comprehending his words and starting to shake slowly, he was a nervous wreck  

It was like they didn't even notice you were in the room. They spoke as if you wern't there or weren't important. The managers words did hurt you a bit, he clearly didn't care about you as much as you thought and was happily turning his back on you. But you had to act strong. 

"I think its best if you two quit this, Y/n will have an interview with 'Korea Daily' and explain it was a photoshoot, and theres no relationship going on. Then she'll resign form her position, we'll refer her to somewhere else with a good job, and Seventeen sales will be great again."

There was no point arguing, this man had a goal and he was set on it. You just let all the emotions and sick feeling build and build up inside you and instead, wore a mask and smiled deceivingly. 

Mingyu: "You're ok with this..?" 

he however, didn't even try and hide them. Sadness riddled his face and his now teary, reddened eyes looked into yours making everything 10x worse. He still had that same effect of making you nervous and exited, but now you just felt guilty and physically sick. 

And it's the worst pain when you see something which physically hurts your heart,

because you will never escape the pain. 


..i'ts fine" 

Possibly the biggest lie you've ever told.

— — — 

As soon as your apartment door shut you erupted. Hot tears streaming down your face, yells and frustrated shouts and everything in-between arose as you made your way to the bathroom. You turned on to the shower to a slightly scolding heat and hopped in, dropping not only your clothes but also the very last faith in the world to the cold tiles beneath you. 

They say showers are the best places for clearing your thoughts,

but mine only fog the overworked brain

just like the steamed glass and windows throughout your apartment. 

You dried your hair and tried to make yourself look nice and presentable seeing as you would be interviewed and in the public eye soon. You wore slightly heavy make up to cover your puffy eyes and dark circles from stress. You wore a pencil skirt and a loose, long sleeved blouse. You looked in the mirror which once you shared many memories with, but now only reflected a very gloom you. What had you become? 

A loveless mess.

— — — 

Only a few minutes before your interview started, and you were beyond feeling nervous. You'd already  been through the hard part. Hurting mingyu. Anything else was child's play. 

"Are you ready Miss Y/n?"

"Ready as i'll ever be"

— — — 

"So! Tell us Y/n, how is it working for one of Korea's hottest boy groups?

They started with all the basic starter questions, and you could tell they couldn't care less about your background, childhood etc. All they wanted was the drama and information and you saw through it, awaiting the big question which struck you.

"Now the questions we've all been waiting for. We've seen the photo and all the insiders gossip. So what is your relationship with Kim Mingyu?"

The pretty brunette sat patronisingly, holding the microphone uncomfortably close, a dozen of reporters behind her with big cameras. You had grown up in a quiet town, a simple life and nothing which made you 'special'. Yet now you found yourself in a situation surrounded by people who only cared about you. Scratch that, they cared about getting views. 

"Miss Y/n? Your answer please?" she impatiently pushed it closer and everyone edged forward seeing you open your mouth to speak. 

You let out one final sigh and looked up, meeting her eyes fiercely. It was just you in this moment, the burden of Mingyu's career resting on your shoulders. You went to open your mouth and just everything, 

but were abruptly interrupted. 

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