Part 23 - Needy

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I opened the door, expecting to see a sleepy Daniel, but instead was greeted by a handsome, familiar face. My heart doubled in speed, a spark which hadn't been ignited in a while came alight and my jaw dropped as if a cartoon. Before i could even blink or process him, i was picked up and enwrapped him his muscular arms. 

Mingyu: "I missed you so so much Angel" he had clearly also been affected by the loneliness, but thinking about it, he'd be much more affected as he hadn't even been surrounded by a female for the past few weeks. 

Y/n: "I've missed you too" you whispered gently to him and he lowered you and stared intensely into your eyes. 

"How have you been?" you stroked his cheek lovingly

Mingyu: "I don't even want to speak about that right now" he couldn't keep his hands off you, both upping your cold cheeks. 

Y/n: "Ok what do you need then?" you tried to back away, overwhelmed by the sudden physical contact. 

Mingyu: "I need you" he didn't even try and hold back his emotions, instead put them all on display. 

He kicked the door shut with his foot and dragged you towards the sofa where he slightly aggressively pushed you down. You were taken aback but couldn't react when he suddenly kissed you. And just like it always did, all the questions and worries went away. He kissed you with extreme neediness and attention seemingness. He had one hand on your cheek and the other wrapping around your waist, pulling you up slightly so he could deepen the kiss. Eventually he pulled away, his eyes dark and lustful. You both panted hard and you blushed intensely

Y/n: "What was that for?" your chest rose and fell, trying to take in all the oxygen you'd just missed out on and you wiped your mouth and looked away.

Mingyu: "I just needed you" he lowered his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply and you shivered. 

"I mean you being dressed like this, can you blame me?" he then pulled down the shirt which had risen in the acts.

Y/n: "Oh shoot, i really shouldn't wear this again its so revealing" you sat up and tinkered with the thin fabric.

 "No, wear it. It proves you belong to me"

You choked slightly at his words. jesus does this boy never stop? 

Y/n: "wELL i can't even wear it out so no one will know" smirking smugly you poked out your tongue at him, provoking him slightly too much as you immediately were pinned down.

"Then i'll have to leave a mark so everyone knows" He then moved the hair away from your neck and bent down only for you to quickly stop the situation. 

Y/N: "nopey nope nope thats not necessary!" you laughed nervously, getting up and swiftly escaping the situation. 

Mingyu: "Let me stay here tonight? I'm exhausted and the weathers too dangerous" he pouted and joined you in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your clothed shoulder. 

Y/N: "No weather warnings have been issued so you're fine to go" you grinned and turned but he reached for the radio and a familiar, pixilated voice murmured-

"Due to  harshening weather conditions we advise everyone stays instead and no transport is advised"

Y/n: "Oh for gods sake" you groaned and trailed off to your bathroom, followed by a laughing Mingyu. 

— — — 

Mingyu: "When can i take this off Y/nnn it stings" he whined, patting his precious skin which you had applied a face mask to out of entertainment. 

Y/N: "Oh stop whinging, you're like a baby~" you rolled your eyes and finished washing it off your hands, joining him on your soft quilt and turning off the lights, leaving only a warm-toned lamp on. 

Mingyu: "Why do i even need it on" he continued to moan and you just laughed his pettiness off.

Y/N: "Be flattered you're important to be enough to waste such an expensive facemark on you" 

Mingyu: "So I'm important to you" he smirked playfully at you and winked when you met his eyes causing you to pretend to throw up before going into the bathroom.

"Hey! Get back here you!" he got up and chased you, giggling all the way~

— — — 

Mingyu POV

It was pitch black outside and i was drifting asleep to the sound of her gentle breathing. She lay innocently in my arms and i felt blessed to have her in my life. I was about to fall into dreamland when i heard a phone buzz. I lazily rolled over and checked the screen, it was her phone. I felt my blood boil looking at the message. 

"I miss you baby, lets talk...petal"

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