Part 15 - Golden Hour

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Y/n: "Mingyu i literally just got out the shower" you shouted from behind the door, it was only open slightly as you were embraced and didn't want him to see you. 

Mingyu: "Oh let me in, we've slept together its not that bad" he said calmly, leaning against the door.

Y/n: "Don't say that so loud! People will get the wrong idea" you groaned and he chuckled.

Mingyu: "But its the truth" you could sense his smirk from behind the door and gave up. You opened it revealing yourself and his gaze wandered all over you.

Y/n: "Oh stop staring, sit there and be quiet" you walked back to your room but paused when he said something. 

Mingyu: "Dress nice! we're going out.."

30 minutes later you were in what you presumed to be his car. It was sleek with blacked out windows, something straight from the future. You had been driving for a while with no idea where you were actually going. 

Y/n: "I still don't know where we're going" you sighed and stretches your back , noticing you were going further away from the city centre with every mile.

Mingyu: "Surprise" he looked over to you and flashed you a famous grin making your heart melt slightly. 

Y/n: "At least you're in a better mood" you joked playfully and you saw him blush out of embarrassment. "What got into you earlier?" 

Mingyu: "Just distracting watching that guy with his hands all over you" he muttered bitterly.

Y/n: "Oh c'mon, he's like a brother to me."

Mingyu: "Weren't acting like typical siblings"

Y/n: "Well its not like i fancy him! Why do you care anyway" you folded your arms and looked straight in front at the road.

Mingyu: "I dont i just.." he sighed and paused. He took a deep breathe before speaking.

"I don't want you to get hurt again" he lied partially, but you couldn't figure out the truth so accepted his answer. 

Y/n: "Im sorry" you looked out the window. 

Mingyu: "Huh, speak up, i couldn't hear you" he teased playfully.

Y/n: "i AM SORRy." you almost shouted in his ear, sitting back and smiling secretly. 

Mingyu: "Now thats sorted lets enjoy the journey, and stop with the stubbornness. You're like  little boy sometimes" he mocked earning a slap and a giggle. 

— — — 

It was now early evening, the sun was setting, casting long, bronzed shadows over the lush green trees

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It was now early evening, the sun was setting, casting long, bronzed shadows over the lush green trees. These type of trees didn't loose their leaves, instead stayed a perfect shade of verdant. Rich with life, they swayed peacefully in the gentle breeze. The hills were vibrant with plush, smooth grass perfectly trimmed. The golden sun projected a strong organy-yellow light across the fields, sharing its warmth on all that stood in its way. Its nurturing rays comforted what had been a harsh autumn, but now a soft sight. It's what Mingyu described as;

"The Golden Hour"

He spoke softly, admiring the view which laid in front of us, blessing our eyes. 

Y/n: "Its breath taking" you both leant against the bonnet of his car, sitting quietly, enjoying the view and each others company. 

Mingyu: "I used to go here in our training days. To relax and take a break when it would get tough" you could tell this place meant a lot to him, and therefore it meant a lot to you too.

Y/n: "I had a similar spot back home" you paused, reminiscing on old memories.

"Me and my friends would run around and laugh all day long. Never getting sick of each other, or worrying about how we looked, just enjoying our youth and precious time together" your voice cracked, a sign that you were slightly upset. You missed England and your friends from time to time. You missed the comfort of having them around.  

Mingyu: "Its ok to be upset Y/n.." he patted your back gently, rubbing it reassuringly, comforting you and always managing to make you feel better. 

"They'll be times where you just want to be upset, its ok you shouldn't beat yourself up for it. We all need to cry at times, we're only human. Its understandable to not always feel 100%, but i know you're strong and will always pull through, one of the things i love about you the most-" 

You couldn't help it but cry lightly.

"You weren't meant to cry!" he pulled you closer and put an arm around you. 

Y/n: "Im not upset, you're just s-so nice!" you sniffled in between cries and you heard him laugh. "Don't laugh!" 

Mingyu: "You're too cute" he said with his arm around you. You sighed, it constantly felt like he was playing on your heart strings and you didn't know how much more you could take. "Whats up?" - and you snapped

Y/n: "I don't know how to feel Mingyu! I can't help but get these feelings and i can't control it! It drives me crazy not knowing how you feel about me. I can't help but get nervous around you, but miss you whenever you go, i've never felt like this before and its scaring me!" You stood up in front of him, the sunlight beaming on your back. Everything was still around you, and you managed to distraught it with your shouting

"I really care about you Mingyu! And i know you would never like me but the secrets killing me!" 

You were panting. You didn't know what came over you, but a sudden rush of emotions took over and spilled everything. You held your hand over your mouth, embarrassed, shocked, nervous, exited. You just stared at the man in front of you, now standing up and directly in front. So close you could hear his breathing. Memories of the storm, the dark night at yours, the cupboard, all these little moments which added up to this exact one. 

He came closer and slowly took away your hands, you were too shocked to react and instead just gulped and started into his beautifully lit up eyes. He came closer, no distractions, no interferences. Just you two on top of the world.

Mingyu: "You know dating is forbidden for me right?" 

Y/n: "I know.." 

Mingyu: "But you're worth it"

And with that, all the pain and worries went away. All your fears and nightmares disappeared. All the struggles and problems melted

As Mingyu kissed you~

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