Part 7 - Blind Date: 2

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Ju-ne: "Hi! I'm Jun Hoe, but you can just call me Jun(A/n: I'm referring to Ju-ne from ion, but he's not an idol in this ff but a regular guy!), and you?" the man smiled kindly at me. i hadn't had someone look at me like that in a while, and suddenly, after a single look, i felt at ease. 

The date went surprisingly well, you laughed a lot and ate a lot too. He was very playful which meant there was never a dull moment. You spoke about work, but didn't mention Seventeen because it was confidential. You learnt he worked for a big company near yours, enjoyed writing poetry and going out. (A/n: I don't know if these are factual but this is my interpretation of him ^-^)He was louder than your usual type, but his fun energy made it hard for you to dislike him.

Ju-ne: "I've had such a good time Y/n, I usually find it hard accepting new people, but it feels so right with you" he smiled an looked you in your eyes as he spoke. His words slightly scripted, but  genuine. 

Y/N: "Me too, and i think you're doing just fine" you smiled reassuringly and rested your chin on your knuckles, with both elbows on the table propping you up, trying to charm him with your cuteness. 

Ju-ne: "You know elbows on the table are pretty rude" he said playfully making you change positions and roll your eyes as he chuckled. "Shall we?" he motioned to get up and you nodded.

You both left the restaurant after mini debut on who would pay the bill. He insisted of him only paying after many attempts of you going 50/50. You were slightly annoyed but not complaining.

Y/N: "Next time I will pay" you said convinced as you walked onto the pavement.

Ju-ne: "So theres going to be a next time?" he joined you, smirking whilst standing close.

Y/N: "Oh..yeah..haha.." you said awkwardly, getting ahead of yourself, as usual. You avoided eye contact feeling stupid for jumping to such conclusions.

Ju-ne: "I'd love another date" he said, drawing your attention and he looked at you sympathetically. 


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The lights from the towering skyscrapers provided a bright glow. The thick night engulfed the surrounding buildings making it hard to see past the bottom of the street. It was quiet tonight. Not many people around and cars were extinct on the usually chaotic roads. The silence was comfortable, not awkward. You could feel him edging closer. He was the type to be very bold, which was new to you but you didn't mind. You hesitated at first, but that didn't stop him. He came closer and wrapped his arms around you. Puzzled, you didn't react. He pulled away and looked at you.

Ju-ne: "We'll save that for next time" he said winking before walking away leaving you speechless. You stood in the cold night motionless, eyes glued on the man walking away from you, soon a smile was plastered on your face as you took out your phone to call Vernon for a lift home.

Seungkwan: "I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING" he exploded as soon as you got in the car. Vernon, Boo and mingyu had just been out to eat and picked you up on their way. Vernon drove whilst Boo sat in the front which is always a dangerous move. You and Mingyu were left cooped up in the back, once again. Some may even call it fate.

Y/N: "Well we just had a nice meal, a few drinks and got to know each other" you said timidly, acting mysterious.

Vernon: "Did he treat you properly Y/N?" he said trying to look at you through the rearview mirror. 

Y/N: "Yes Vernon he was nice, even payed for the meal despite my arguing" you laughed remembering the fun debates you had.

SK: "AHHH! THIS IS SO EXCITING. Do you like him Y/n?!!!?!?!?!?!" he was shouting loudly, clearing annoying Vernon whilst Mingyu remained cool, staring out infront of him.

Y/N: "I mean we just met Boo, but i guess i do" you said questioning yourself but smiling like a little kid. This time Mingyu turned to look at you.

SK: "EEEK! We will have to go shopping for an outfit, for the next date of course!" he carried on listing preparations whilst you sat back, enjoying your company and buzz from the date. Only to be soon interrupted.

Mingyu: "Did you 'really' enjoy it Y/n?" he asked quietly leaning over to you so the others couldn't hear. 

Y/N: "Yes, why wouldn't of I?" his doubt started to annoy you, why couldn't he jut be happy for me? 

Mingyu: "I know what guys are like. Are you sure he's not just trying to take advantage of you?" he looked at you dead in the eye. Your eyes widened by his confession, you could see the concern and worry in his eye but you didn't care. 

Y/N: "Not all men are like that" you said, with a disgusted tone in your voice, your volume slightly increasing. He looked panicked and came closer in attempt to try and quieten you 

Mingyu: "I know I know! I just mean..aish i don't know. Just remember to call me if you get in trouble ok?" he started to breath heavier, eyebrows furrowed scanning your face in worry.

Y/N: "I'm not a little kid! I can handle myself" you said pretty loud, alerting Boo and Vernon. "I don't need you looking out for me!" you spat, and as timing worked out, you were outside your apartment. 

You got out abruptly, slamming the door but catching his eye just before. Your anger softened slightly, suddenly feeling slightly guilty but too stubborn to give in. You marched into the building and went up to your apartment.

Mingyu POV

You felt frustrated by her reaction, understanding why and hating yourself for lashing out. Why do i feel this need to protect her? Ugh. Get a grip Mingyu. You ran your hands through your hair and tilted your head back against the cool backseat, exhaling deeply. Vernon and Boo decided to keep quiet, and the three of you drove back to the dorm, the reoccurring question circulating your head unable to find an answer.

'Whats happening to me?"

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