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"Fucking God finally I'm here."

I walked up the stairs to my house. I had a late night shift at my work tonight and I was broken. I'm a waiter at the local nightclub and to be honest, it was pretty hard. Being the only girl waiter there, guys alwayd picked on me. Some were pretty good-looking, but most of them were old mans who only wanted sex because they were drunk.

"Ugh I need a shower."

I walked into my bathroom and undressed myself. I turned on the shower and soon I felt the hot water face run over my face, washing away my thoughts. When I was done I dried myself and put on my sleeping clothes. I sleepily walked to my bedroom and tucked myself into bed. I looked at my alarm clock to see how much sleep I could get without ruining my sleeping schedule and without wasting the whole next day asleep.

"Jezus christ only a few hours?! Yay happy me, woohoo."

I sighed and turned off the light. I let myself fall onto the bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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