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After a while all the boxes were put behind the house. There was only one small box in the moving van. Yoongi was bringing a heavy piano which he insisted on doing himself, so I figured I'll do this one.

I climbed into the van and walked towards the box. When I squaded next to it I saw something poking out of it. I slightly opened it to find another box with a sticky note on top of it.

             Do not open before 1 August.
                             Agust D

I wondered what could be so special what wasn't allowed to be opened before 1 August and what Agust D meant so I grabbed it, knowing that it wasn't nice going through stuff from people you didn't even know. Unfortunatly it had a big lock keeping it shut. When I heard footsteps I quickly placed it back.

"What are you doing?"  A low voice sounded behind me so I quickly stood up.

"Oh.. uh... There was only one left, so I wanted to bring it inside."  I nervously smiled while I could feel my face burning up.

"You don't have to, you've done enough already, let me do it."  He walked over to me with a small smile.

He didn't stop coming closer to me even though he was really close already. I naturally started backing up until my back hit the wall of the van. I was pretty sure my face was turning into a nice red color. He was so god damn close, I could hear his heartbeat. He started leaning in until he was right next to my ear.

"You know it isn't nice to go through stuff from people you don't even know, right?"  His voice was slightly husky. His hot breath tickles on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.


I tried to say something but the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. I heard him chuckle and getting closer to my neck. My heart started beating faster, I was sure it would beat out of my chest.

Then I felt it. A new feeling I never felt before. I was in heaven but at the same time in hell. My mind and body couldn't agree with each other. My mind went blank and my vision blurry. From that moment, everything started to change.

From the second his soft plump lips touched my neck, my vision went blurry and I couldn't think anymore. The only thing I knew was that I didn't want it to end. At least my body didn't. My mind on the other hand, wanted it to end so badly.

I mean, he was my new neighbour, I didn't know him. We couldn't just make out in the van. I wanted to push him away but my body didn't move. My breath started to hitch. He must have noticed because he pulled away with a smirk. I whined at the loss of feelig on my neck, but at the same time I was relieved he stopped. Only to freak out.


I just kept staring at him, not knowing what to do or what to say. He smirked at me.

"Don't go through my stuff again without my permission, okay?"

He grabbed the box and jumped out the van, dissapearing inside the house. Leaving me standing there like a statue, frozen on my spot.

A million thoughts ran through my head. I brushed my hand through my hair.

'Ohmygod he kissed me. I'm dead. My poor soul. Have mercy on me. Why did he do that. Jezus Christ give me strenght.'

As the only girl waiter at the local nightclub I was kissed by random guys all the time. But his was different. He got me breathless. That never happened before. He made my mind go crazy, and my body was eager to feel his touch again.

'Ohmygod did he left a hickey?!'

I ran to the edge of the van and jumped out, but as I did I scratched my arm.

''Ah!!"  I looked at the wound, blood slowly running out of it. Covering half of my arm.

"Fucking van."  I mumbled under my breath and started running again.

I quikcly opened the door and stormed into the bathroom, flicked the light on, and looked in the mirror. There it was, a nice dark red purple hickey.

'Why did he had to mark me?'

I looked at my arm. Blood was driping onto the sink in front of me

"Fucking van, if I was in a bad mood today, you would regret the day you were made.."

I may seem like a nice girl, but don't let yourself get fooled. Inside I'm a little bitch. That's the reason I don't have a roommate or many friends. Jungkook and Taehyung are the only ones who stayed by my side when I snapped and went crazy the day my parents left me to die. Since they found out I worked at a nightclub and didn't want to be an CEO at their company they didn't wanted to have anything to do with me anymore.

My parents are the owners of a big company in Seoul. They are the most skilled bussines people I know, but they aren't the best parents. They were really strict about what I could do and where I could go. I almost had no freedom. I had one friend from the one time I slipped away, but she was never allowed to come over, and that caused me to lose her. When I went to high school I got some friends, and they were allowed to come over just once or twice a month.

The company was doing really good, and I have to admit, before they undid me as their child, I had an amazing life. I had everything I could wish for. I was happy. That all changed the day they found out about my job.

They kicked me out with the words  'Don't ever come back here, you're not our child anymore'  and after that they never contacted me again. And I discovered my friends never really were my friends, they just wanted me for my money and stuff from our company.

That evening I had nowhere to go so I called Jungkook. He told me to come to his place and that he'd call Taehyung to come over too. We sat on the couch and I told them everything. But in the middle of it I just snapped.

They couldn't calm me down, I just cried and screamed and wanted to throw everything across the room. Even though I can't really remember everything I said, I'm sure I said some awefull things to them. I still feel guilty for that. And I told them I was really sorry everytime the subject was brought up, which luckily, didn't happen that often.

Ever since that night they've been like family to me. I could always count on them no matter what.

I reached for the first aid kit, but of course it was too high. Instead of a bandage I cleaned the stained blood from my arm and dried it. I just left it like that. I covered the hickey as much as possible with my hair and clothes and left the house for the second time today to do some grocery shopping, and to get icecream for Jungkook, because I'm just that nice today.

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