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I walked with a plate loaded with Soju on it, and I was struggling to keep it in balance so I wouldn't drop it. Which was pretty hard, considering drunk guys touched me every few steps I took. Luckily none of them actually pulled me into their laps, which happened only once. I had dropped every drink on that guy, and if he wasn't as drunk as he was back then to care anough to start a fight, I was sure I would've been fired.

I made a swift turn and stood in front if a table were some guys were waiting.

"Six Soju for each one of you, right?" I politely asked.

"Hell yes! That took you forever, but considering you're hot we'll let it slide for now. But only if you can get us this for free." He smirked at me.

I put the six cups down and held the plate in front of me. "I'm really sorry it took me so long, but I can't get you this for free."

"Then you have to make up for it. Kiss me." He winked at me and his friends began to laugh and cheer for him. This happened a lot, so I didn't mind.

"Ah, of course." I leant in and kissed him. He pushed his tongue inside my mouth and started to suck on my lower lip. I could taste the alcohol, and I hated it. I never liked alcohol. After roughly 30 seconds I pulled away.

"Wow.. You can kiss fucking good baby girl." He panted while leaning back in his chair. His friends patted him on the back and cheered.

"Thank you, I have to get going now."

"Ey, what about you and I catch a hotel after your shift?" He smirked.

"No, I'm sorry but I don't suck people off or anything for money. That's the job of one of our lovely ladies here." I pointed to a girl dancing on the table closest to us.

"Too bad, but she's fucking hot too." His friends began to chant again and I left them to get even more drunk.

I walked over to the counter and sighed. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder so I looked at my left.

"Hey Jihun, how are you tonight? Any weird guys yet?" Woojin smiled at me. He always took over one hour of my shift to give me some time to rest.

"Hey. Yeah I'm fine. Only one guy who wanted me to kiss him because he thought I took too long with their drinks. You?"

"Oh I'm fine too. It sucks though, I know you don't mind kissing them, but still. You have to save those kisses for the person you love, not give them away to random and probably drunk guys."


I immediately thought of Yoongi. I shook my head.

"Y-Yeah, you're right, I'll think about it. Thanks Woojin."

"Anytime. Now go get your rest, you deserve it." He friendly winked and took the noteblock from me. After that he walked to take orders from the group at the window and I went back to the staff room. I let myself fall down on the chair and grabbed my phone.

6 New Massages

I furrowed my eyebrows. I never had six messages at once before. Except when Jungkook had an 'emercency' and wanted ice cream like it was a case between life and death. Or when Taehyung had to tell me about a cute kid he saw in the park.

'Well I'm at my break now anyways, it won't harm to take a look' I thought and opened Snapchat. First I saw names I never saw before, but then I remembered I exchanged Snapchat at the amusement park. I could figure out who was who just by looking at the names, but I wanted to know for sure to prevent awkwardness so I opened the first one.

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