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The following days were spend with packing more of my stuff, and leaving notes on things the boys could have, since I knew they were going through my appartment once I had left.

And finally the day had arrived where I had to leave. I walked one last round through all the rooms and stopped in front of the door with my suitcase and bag, ready to take a taxi to the airport.

I wiped a lone tear away from my eyes as soon as I felt it coming.  'Don't cry, you'll only make it harder'  I sighed and walked through the door, closing the door behind my and locking it.

"Well.. Bye bye housie, thank you for being my home for so long.. For being the first place I ever really felt home"  I softly smiled and walked to the car that was waiting for me and got in. I put on some music as I watched the houses pass by through the window, ready for a long ride to the airport.

After what feeled like hours we finally reached the airport. I got out, thanked and paid the driver, and walked to the check-in. I got my passport ready to get checked, and walked over to the seats to wait for my flight to come, which was another one and a half hour waiting.

I played a game on my phone for about 10 minutes, when a little boy ran in front of me and fell down, spilling his drink all over the floor and over my jeans.

"Are you okay?"  I asked him as I got out of my seat to help him up. He nodded with a cute smile and ran back to his mother. She smiled thankfully at me and walked away with her son beside her.

I smiled at them and looked at my jeans. A few drops of his drink were spilled over the white fabric, but it wasn't something too big of a problem.

I got up from my seat to go the bathrooms to clean it. I walked to the hallway and just when I was about to go into the bathroom I heard someone yelling.


I turned around and saw Yoongi running towards me, his fluffy hair bouncing on his head every step he took. Once he almost reached me he didn't slow down, he kept on running and crashed into me, engulfing me in his arms.

'Was that a sob?'  I thought as I hesitated a little before hugging him back.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?"  He asked once he pulled away with a chuckle.

'Were his eyes always that glossy?'  I furrowed my eyebrows.  "N-No, of course not"  I said.

He smiled a little.  "Good, because, I don't want to deal with losing you"  He looked down.  "Not when I have something important to tell you"  He smiled and hugged me again.  "I'm so, so sorry for reacting the way I did the other night. I was just shocked and confused, I guess"

"It's okay Yoongs"  I said while hugging him back before pulling away.  "Can we.. uhm, discuss this later, I have to clean my jeans"

"Clean your- What in the world did yo do?!"  He asked when he saw my leg.

"Nothing! There was just this little boy who fell in front of me and spilled his drink, nothing serious"

"Mhm"  He hummed.  "When does your plane leave?"

I looked at my watch.  "Oh, I have to be quick, my plane leaves in less than an hour!"  I pushed the door open to the bathrooms and walked straight to the sink, Yoongi following close behind.  "So what did you want to tell me that's so important?"  I asked him while figuring out what was the best way to get to my leg without being too awkward.

"Oh.. uhm.. I just"

"Yoongi when you have to tell me something just say it, I won't hate you"  I looked at him and laughed.

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