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'That has to be the new neighbour' I thought as I leaned against my car. 'Should I be nice? Mmm yeah, let's be the nice version of me today' I thought and walked over to the expensive looking car.

A guy stepped out the car. His hair immediately got my attention. It was a light shade of pink, not girly pink but.. manly? If that even existed. He wore red shoes, blue jeans with a black shirt and a blocked blouse with sleeves curled up. The outfit was really nice and it suits him really well.

When he closed his car door and turned around he saw me. He looked at me with a blank expression and tilted his head a little. It was really cute, he kinda looked like a puppy like that. He frowned while he spoke.

"Hey, do I have something on my face?"

His voice was deep but soft at the same time, it was calming to listen to it.

"What? Oh, no there's nothing there, dont worry." I said with a nervous smile.

"Then why did you stare at me?"

I blinked a few times. Was I staring at him? I quickly looked away.

"Sorry, it wasn't my intention to stare. Anyways you're the new neighbour right? So I decided to be nice and say hello." I gave him a sweet smile and offered him my hand. "Hello, my name is Jihun, nice to meet you."

He took my hand and smiled as well. God his smile is so beautiful. I could look at it all day.

"Hello Jihun, I'm Yoongi, it's nice to meet you too."

When he let go of my hand it felt empty right away. I missed his touch, but I tried not to think about it too much, so I shrugged the thought off.

"There are quite a lot of boxes, should I help you with with bringing them to the back or something?" I asked, kinda hoping he'd say yes. Which luckily, he did.

"Actually, yeah I could use some help. If you could put them in the garden or against the wall of the house in the back, that would be great, thank you." He smiled at me.

Fucking hell his smile's pretty. I caught myself staring again, so I quickly looked away, feeling myself get red.

"Of course, I'll get right to it." I smiled and grabbed a little box.

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