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I heard nothing except for some sobs.



My eyes widened. His voice was not the same as it was years ago. It was more hoarse, and.. worn out? Like he didn't have slept in a few days.

"Princess are you there?"

"Y-Yeah"  I furrowed my eyebrows. Jungkook and Taehyung stood in front of me, both fidgeting with their sleeves. Jimin and Hoseok were still seated on the floor in front of the game which was still running.

"Dad has to tell you something princess"  He let out a sob.

"No... You're not my dad. N-Not anymore"  I said, earning a proud look from Jungkook.

"Princess, listen. It's about your mother"

"M-Mom..?" I looked at Yoongi, who gave me a soft smile and grabbed my free hand to start drawing circles again.  "What about her?"

"She.."  He sobbed again. B"She catched a sickness.."  My eyes widened. My dad never cried when she was sick.  "A-And it didn't got better, so then she got hospitalized"

All hope I had slowly left my body as he continued.

"They tried everything they could, b-but.. she didn't.."  His sobs were uncontrollable.  "She didn't survive t-the operation"

All thoughts left my mind as my grip on my phone went away, and sended my phone flying to the ground. Luckily Jungkook had good reflexes as he catched my phone before it reached the ground.

My eyes glazed over with tears. Yes, they disowned me. Yes, they kicked me out. Yes, they were rude and unreasonable at so many points, but they were still my parents, and everyone would be sad if they heard their mother had passed away.

Yoongi gently pulled me down until I was sigting on the couch. I was blankly staring in front of me, still processing everything my father had told me.

"Hello? Princess?"  A faint voice from the phone sounded. Jungkook pressed the microphone so my dad would sound to all of us.

"Yeah, this is Jungkook. She's fine she's just shocked"

"Jungkook? Wait why are you with my daughter? Have you done anything to her?!"

"I'm her friend, I'm allowed to be with her, not like you care anyway... Sir.."  He bowed his head when he finished his sentence. Even though he didn't like my dad at all he was still trying to be nice.

"Let me talk to her"

Jungkook glanced at me with an unsure look.  "I don't think she wants to talk right now.."

"Jungkook. Hand me, my daughter"

His eyes slightly widened at my dad's tone.  "Y-Yes sir!"  He quickly sat down next to me and shoved the phone back in my hands.

I didn't move. I didn't want to move. All emotion and thoughts left me as I stared at nothing. Yoongi tilted his head and took the phone.

"Hello sir"

"Who's this? I want to speak to my daughter"  You could tell my dad was frustrated.

"This is Yoongi, one of her friends"  He replied calmy.

"One of? With how many are you?"

"We're with 7, sir"

"Hello"  Taehyung said shyly, followed by Jimin and Hoseok.

"Hey, I'm Jin"

"Hello"  Namjoon followed.

"And then there's Jungkook and me"  Yoongi concluded.

"And you're all boys?"  My dad asked sceptical.


I stood up. I didn't want to witness another one of these conversations where my dad would question my friend.

Everyone looked at me while my dad continued to ask questions to Yoongi, which he would politely answer. Yoongi knew he was going through a hard time as he lost his wife, even though he didn't like my dad.

"I'm going home"  I said as I grabbed my bag from the floor and my keys from the counter.

"I'll drive you"  Jimin offered softly and stood up.

"Wait why are you going home, don't you want to stay here?"  Hoseok asks, which earned him a smack on the shoulder from Jin.

"Can't you see she's tired and just wants to go home? She has a lot to take in Hobi!"  He scolded as Hoseok brought his hand up to his shoulder.

"Okay, bye sir"  Yoongi said and cut the call, standing up. He placed my phone in my bag and closed the zipper.  "Jimin you can stay, I'll drive her"  He said and gently took my hand in his. Jimin nodded and slowly sat back down again.

I stared into nothingness as Yoongi pulled me with him towards the door and to his car. Tears pricked behind my eyes. My mother was dead, and our sleepover was ruinated.

Yoongi sighed.  "Are you okay?"  He asked as we buckled up in his car. I nodded. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

The whole ride to my home was silent. When we stopped in front of my house we sat a few moments in peace beofre Yoongi got out and opened the door at my side for me and grabbed my bag.

I slowly got out and grabbed his hand, which made him smile a bit. He walked me over to the door and took my keys to unlock the lock before turning to me.

"Will you be okay? Do I need to stay over? I can sleep on the cou-"

"No"  I cut him off.  "It's okay you don't have to"

He sighed and nodded.  "Call me if you need me, okay?"

I nodded. He smiled and handed me my bag before leaning in. My eyes widened a bit when he pressed a kiss on my forehead before walking back to his car.

I stood there frozen as I watched him leave before going inside and closing the door behind me. I slowly walked to my bedroom, throwing my bag somewhere on the floor and kicking my shoes off.

I let myself fall on the bed, finally letting the tears flow over my cheeks. I closed my eyes and pulled the blankets over me, hiding from everything around me.

I stayed like that for hours, before crying myself to sleep.

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