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"Jungkooook!! I know you're home open the door!"

I was standing in front of the appartement of Jungkook for five minutes now with three plastic bags, and I was losing my patience.

"I did NOT come over just to stand here in the burning sun!!"

It was mid-summer and it was hot. I never felt so hot in my entire life. Finally I heard the door unlocking.

"Just about damn time.." I muttered as the door opened. Jungkook looked at me with a bright smile and wide eyes.

"You got the ice cream?!" He exitedly said.

"Yeah I got it it's in one of these ba-" Before I could finish my sentence Jungkook had taken the bags from me and ran towards the kitchen.

"No problem I did it with love for you, nice to see you too." I said to myself as I let myself in. I kicked my shoes to the side and fell down in the couch.

"Ahw man.. it all melted!" I heard Jungkook whine.

I chuckled. "That's what you get if you let me stand outside in the burning sun! Remember it for the next time okay? Just put it in the freezer for now, it's in little cups so it'll just freeze again, no big deal."

"Got it. Want anything to drink?"

"Nahh I'm good."

He walked inside the living room where I layed on the couch with my arm over my eyes.

"You know it's not good if you don't drink. Especially with this weather."

"Says the one who let me stand outside." I said back straight so he could sit next to me, feeling a little dizzy as I did.

"So what do you want to do?"

His eyes lit up as I said that.

"I found out about a game yesterday, it's so cool! There are monsters and wizards and fairies and you have to take your magic stones to a mountain where you can summon special pets who help you defeat the Slynx and-"

"Wowowow slow down, you lost me at 'There are monsters' so I have like no idea what you're talking about at all, oh and thanks now I have an headache."

He sighed and made a facepalme gesture.

"It's so simpleee!"

"Jungkook you know I'm not a gamer! Please have mercy on me okay I'm trying."

"Yeah yeah." He looked down. "So basically there are a lot of creatures. You have to defeat them in order to get magic stones and- OMYGOD!" He suddenly jumped up from the couch, scaring me.

"JEZUS CHRIST JUNGKOOK! I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!" I grabbed my heart being the drama queen I am and pretented to pant heavily.


"Okay first of all, STOP SCREAMING! Second, it's nothing, don't worry."

"But you're hurt! I want to know how, when and where it happened!" He sat back down on the couch again, a worried expression on his face.

"Look, you really don't have to worry about me."

"Tell me."

I sighed. I'd lose this fight anyway so I decided on just telling him.

"You were right, I have a new neighbour. You were right about it being a guy, too. I helped him moving the boxes and there was a little one left in the moving van so I figured I'd do that one. But when I jumped out of the van I scratched my arm. It bled but I couldn't reach the first aid kit so I just cleaned the stained blood around it with water and dried it. It's no big deal."

I decided to leave the part from Yoongi kissing me out. Jungkook didn't need to know. At least not yet. But of course, being as worried as he is, he wouldn't take it as 'no big deal'.

"Wait here." He stood up and walked to the kitchen, coming back with a bowl of warm water and a wet cloth in one hand, and some bandages in the other.

"Jungkook you really don't have to-" But he took my arm without saying a word and started cleaning it.

I sighed. Even though I told him it was okay, he still wanted to treat it. It always had been like that. Ever since we were friends. I smiled at him. Whenever he was doing something he was focused on he pouted.

"Cute.." I mumbled.

He looked up to me. "What?"

"Oh, you're cute. Whenever you're focused you pout. It's really cute."

He gave me his bunny smile.

"I know I'm cute. Now sit still and don't move." He started cleaning my arm again.

"Isn't that the same thing?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He sighed and looked up with a zero-emotion expression.

"I don't care. Just don't move, I'm almost done."

When he was finished cleaning the wound he rolled the bandage around my arm. Making it look way worse than it actually was.

"Now it looks like my arm is all fucked up, but thanks."

"No problem, everything for my little girl." He gave me a sweet grin.

I rolled my eyes. Feeling a little dizzy again as I did.

"I'm not your little girl, okay. So what was this game you were talking about?"

His eyes started to shine like they always did when he was excited. He quickly stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his room to play the game.

The Whole Package [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now