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Light smut! Not much though, around the same amount as in the previous chapter with the smut warning :)

Black. That's all I could see. A pitch black room. The only light there was hung above my head. Like a spotlight it followed me where I walked. I saw a mirror. I looked at myself. I was wearing a white little dress. My hair hung loose around my face. No make-up. No accessories. Nothing but that simple white dress. Just.. Me.

"Well I'm just not comepletly satisfied with it."

I heared a voice behind me. I turned around, wanting to know where it came from. When I saw the scene in front of me I wished I didn't. I wished I wasn't so curious. I wished I just kept on walking, ignoring the voices. Point is, I couldn't, even if I wanted to. Something made me look at it. I couldn't look away.

"I can't do anything about it, so I want to ask you if you could go back."

A girl. They shared a few words until he pushed her on the couch and started kissing her.

"P-Please stop."  Her voice sounded broken.

Him undoing his belt with his free hand and tying her hands together with it.

Him yanking down his pants and licking his lips.

Him grabbing a phone what seemed like the girl's and looking at her.

Him throwing it to the ground.

"Voice recognation on. Please tell me what I need to do."

A sweet woman's voice.

The girl yelling.

I watched in awe. I felt helpless. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't do anything to help her. I know how weak and vulnerable the girl felt, but there was nothing I could do. I hated it. I wanted to walk towards them, but a big glass survace kept me from doing so. I leaned my underarms on the glass, weakly tapping it.

"Hello? What's wrong, I told you to focus on your work, didn't I?"

A low voice coming from the phone.

The girl screaming for help.

The guy silencing her by kissing her again.

Him picking up the phone to end the call.

The girl bursting in tears.

It was a pain to watch. I tapped the glass survace in front of me harder this time. It didn't do anything. I yelled to the guy, trying to get him to stop. Nothing. My tapping changed into hitting. Being in her position was horrible, but seeing it happen in front of me, knowing what was going to happen, and not being able to do anything about it, was hard.

He kissed her stomach, making her kick her legs.

I hitted the glass again, begging him to stop, but he didn't hear me. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't bear it anymore. I slowly let myself fall down to the ground, still tapping on the glass.

"It's okay... Jungkook and Yoongi will come soon. He doesn't get to do anything."

I kept telling myself that to calm myself down, but that little bit of hope fade away when they didn't. There was no loud scream when there was supposed to be one. There was no loud bang on the door. There was no angry guy yelling towards the door. There was no rescue. I frantically looked at the door in the room in front of me.

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