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I looked at myself in the mirror. My black jeans with a cute belt. My pink hoodie with cat ears hanging loose around my shoulders. My hair tied in a ponytail with a few little braids to it.

"Nailed it."  I said to myself as I opened the bathroom door and headed downstairs. I put kind of a lot effort in my appearance as I wanted to look good for this absolutely no date with Yoongi. And that had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I maybe hoped a little bit it was a date.

"Ready?"  Yoongi asked me when I walked into the kitchen.


Yoongi had turned his head to me and stared at me. I felt myself getting nervous under his gaze, it pierced through me like a knife. He let his eyes wander over my whole body, before his eyes met mine again.

"Uhmm something wrong?"  I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"No, it's just.."  He shook his head.  "You look really beautiful, that's all."

I chuckled.  "Why thank you. But where are we going to eat?"  I grabbed my jacket.

"That's a surprise."  He winked at me again. A shiver ran down my spine. Why did that wink of his had so much effect on me?

I sighed.  "I don't like suprises, but okay. I like you so I'm just going to let you have your fun."

He smirked.  "You like me, huh? Nothing more?"  He began walking towards me which made me starting to back up.

"Is it really just  'liking me'  or is there more to it?"  He asked in his low voice. I felt my back hit the wall.

I stayed silent.

"Not going to answer? Huh?"  He leaned in to the point where his nose touched my cheek.

"That's okay.."  He kissed my cheek and grabbed his jacket, which was on the hook behind me.

"Let's go."  He smiled and opened the door, walking to his car without saying anything else.

I blinked a few times. His duality got me shook every time. It kinda frustrated me though, I almost had forgotten how his lips-

I shook my head. I pulled my jacket over my hoodie and got outside, locking the door behind me. I saw Yoongi already sitting in his car, tapping on the steering wheel. I couldn't hear it, but I guessed he had put some music on. I opened the door and was welcomed by one of my favourite songs.

"This song is amazing! You like ASTRO too?"  I asked him while sitting down and subtly moving my hands along with the dance that belonged to the song.

"Yeah I think they're really talented."  Yoongi answered and laughed because of my 10 out of 10 hand-dance skills.

We spend the whole ride singing and rapping to the songs that played, mostly him rapping and me singing. Sometimes I stared at him in disbelieve as he rapped along with one of the fastest rap parts I knew, making him chuckle and smile.

God I love his smile.

"You know, I need your feedback."  He said as the song My Pace from Stray Kids ended.

I looked at him.  "On what?"

"As you probably know Agust D is a big part of my life right?"

I nodded.  "Yeah, it's almost everywhere in your room."

He smiled.  "Well, Agust D is the name I use for my work, as I'm a rapper and produce songs."

"So that's why you could rap everything almost perfectly!"

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