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I stared at the message. He didn't even gave me a choice. I just had to be back in less than a week. I had to sign that stupid contract just because they could find some stupid other who could take over the company. Just when I was about to throw my phone away I got a call.

            Yes  ||  No

I hesitated a moment before accepting the call.  "Hello?"

"You answered, thank god, I've been trying to reach you for half an hour now"  He sighed.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. Just had something else to deal with"  I said, a little frustrated.

"Are you okay?"

I sighed.  "Actually, no. Nothing's fine"  I said as I walked to my room as tears formed in my eyes.

"What? You need me to come over?"  He said worriedly.

"N-No, you don't have to. I just got a text from my dad"

"What did he say?"

I paused.  "He wants me to be back in Seoul in less than a week. I need to sign a contract to take over the company"  I said as a few tears rolled down my cheek. I heard Yoongi breathing but he didn't say anything. I walked to my closet and pulled out a suitcase before dumping it on my bed and opening it.

"So, you're leaving?"  Yoongi asked.

"I have to, he didn't gave me an option"  I answered as I throwed some clotches into my suitcase.

"You're going to leave us alone just like that?!"  He yelled.

"I have no choice!"  I yelled back as I angrily and stressed out threw a few bra's on the pile of clotches.

"Still, he disowned you and when he needs you, you run away to him! It's just not fair!"

I sighed.  "Yoongi, I have no freaking choice. Yes he disowned me, and yes I may not really like him, but I can't just let the company down! Everyone of the staff who was nice to me will lose their job if I don't sign the contract, I can't let that happen"

"Fine. Go. Forget about all of us and just go sign that fucking contract! But just know that they did NOTHING for you, never were there for you and gave you nothing. While I'm here always ready and open to listen and help you whatever it is that's bothering you, will give you everything you ask for and will ALWAYS be by your side. Goodnight Jihun"  He breathed out before hanging up.

Tears came out of my eyes like a waterfall as his words repeated themselves over and over again in my head. I threw my phone on my bed and continued to pack my clothes and stuff I wouldn't be using this week. I could pack the last couple of things in a normal bag to take with me on the plane.

'Fine, if he wants it this way, we'll do it this way'  I thought as I cried because of what he said. Soon I finished packing and put the suitcase in the corner of my room. I quickly changed and ducked into bed, more than ready to get this day behind me.

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