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"Okay sweetheart, it's done! Now we just have to wait until the color has been withdrawn, and you're ready to go!"  The hairdresser, whose name was Jisoo, I had figured that out a while ago, clapped in his hands and smiled broadly at me. I had opened my eyes a while ago, and now that it was done I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. My head was covered in foil for the paint.

"I see I'm not the only one who is ready for an alien attack."  I turned my head and saw Yoongi already laughing at me, and I could do the same. He had foil in his hair too, but since his hair is way shorter, it looked way more than it actually was. And it looked ridiculous.

"Well, we would make a good team against the aliens."  He said while making a superhero gesture.

"Agreed!"  I made a little gun from my hands and tried making a serious face. Didn't succeed though, considering his crazy appearance made me laugh.

The woman who worked on Yoongi came walking towards us with a smile.  "Do you want another cup of hot chocolate?"

"That would be nice, thank you."  Yoongi said and returned her smile.

"So what do you want to do while we wait, sweetheart?"  He said, turning to me and still copying dramatic Jisoo.

"Okay first of all, don't call me sweetheart. When you do I see that man in front of me instead of you."

"So you want to see me, huh?"  He smirked.

I looked away, avoiding eye contact. Feeling my cheeks turn a nice shade of pink.

"Oh c'mon babe just admit it, I won't judge you."

I looked back at him, furrowing my eyebrows.  "What do you mean you won't judge me?"

"Well, I am good-looking, so I can understand why you would look at me rather than him."

I rolled my eyes. Sure he was good-looking, but the fact he knew that made me shiver. He was confident in himself, something I could admire. But I wouldn't admit it. If I showed he got my weakspot, or got me flustered, he'd attack. Not as an animal or something, but you know what I mean.

"Anyways,"  Yoongi snapped me out of my thoughts.  "Want to talk about your new job?"

"New job?"

"Yeah, at the studio. You forgot already?"  He chuckled.

"Ah, that one. Yeah sure."  I turned in my chair so that I could face him head on.

"I have to say that it's not something you should worry about, it's an easy job. You just have to bring me coffee and make sure nobody comes in my office unannounced."

"Wait, I'm going to be your personal assistant?"  I raised my eyebrows.

"I guess you can call it that. But don't worry, I'm not a bad boss. I won't be too harsh on you."  He explained with a smile.

I sighed.

"Something wrong?"  His smile dropped.

"No, it's just.. I never worked at an studio before, all I ever did was serving drinks to everyone. I don't think I'm suitable for it."

"I told you, it's not something you should worry about. I'm sure you'll do amazing."  His smile appeared again as he rested a supportive hand on my knee.

"Only one way to find out, I guess."  I shrugged and smiled at him. Seeing him smile always made me smile too.


We spent the majority of the time watching some Netflix on his phone and drinking our hot chocolate while waiting for the woman to come back with a sign out hair could be washed out. And finally, she did.

"Thank you for waiting. If you could follow me now?"  She sended a sweet smile our way and we stood up, following her to the sinks.

"Ah good, you're here. Okay sweetheart what we'll be doing is simple."  Jisoo stood behind one of the sinks, waiting for me to take the seat.

When I sat down he began to get rid of the foil. Shortly after I felt the warm water, and the soft touch of Jisoo massaging my scalp. Damn that felt nice.

"I'm just going wash your hair, put some pruducts in it to make it softer, and after that we'll..."

I didn't even listen to him. I had closed my eyes and now I was just enjoying the feeling.

I never knew dyeing your hair could make you this tired. I vaguely heard the water run, and the talking of Yoongi and the woman. His voice sounded so soothing, it made me even more relaxed. I tried focusing on his voice only. And as crazy as it was, I succeeded. His voice sounded through my head as I paid attention to every word he said. His soft voice. His soft calming voice.. His soft calming amazing voice...

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