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I woke up with burning eyes and tear stained cheeks. This whole day I've been napping in my bed, not feeling like doing something else.

I pushed the blankets off of me and rubbed my eyes before looked at the clock. 22:42 PM. I sniffled as I got out of bed and walked towards the drawer. I pulled out a hoodie and some sweatpants.

'Comfy clothes are always a good idea'  I thought as I pulled the hoodie over my head. I looked around and spotted my bag. I walked over to it and pulled my phone out. A lot of notifications from my dad, and a few from the boys. I first opened snapchat, my dad could wait.

Hey, we're worried about you 😩
Kooks wanted to go after you but I told him you needed space.

Jihun please be okay I'm so worried! 🤧
Stupid Jin hyung didn't allow me to go after you 😤
Please text me when you wake up ♥️

I know you want and need space right now, but everyone is worried 😔
Text one of us when you wake up to let us know how you're doing.
Also, you forgot your charger..

I sighed. They were all being so nice to me and yet here I was, home, like a baby, when I should be there and letting them comfort me.

But on the other side, I didn't want to be the one that ruined the sleepover, they deserved the fun. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed snapchat. I took a deep breath and went to messages. I tapped on the chat with my dad, one I hadn't opened for years.

Princess, listen. Your mom's gone. I know it's hard for the both of us, but we have to think of the company. Your mother and I, we were actually looking for someone who could take over the company, but we never found someone we could trust. Now that she's gone we can't continue our search. Long story short, you need to be back in Seoul in 1 week. You're going to sign a contract to officially take over the company.

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