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"So Jihun, am I right?" While we were walking Namjoon talked to me.


"That's a beautiful name, you know that?"

I chuckled. "Thanks, but your name's also really pretty."

"Thank you." He showed off his dimples again, it made my heart melt a little. "Anyways we're here."

We litterly just crossed the little square, but nevermind that. Yoongi sat on the bench in front of us. His face contained a worried expression and he quickly stood up when he saw us, or at least, when he saw me.

"Jihun I'm so so so sorry! I didn't meant to make you cry, I could never want to make you cry in the first place. I'm really sorry, please tell me what I did wrong." He appologized while bowing.

"Should I leave you two alone?" Namjoon asked.

"No you don't have to. Yoongi I'd rather tell you in private." I gently grabbed his arm and walked over to a quiet place.

"Uhmm when you called me princess I-"

"I shouldn't have called you that I'm so sorry!" He interupted me.

"No that's not it," I continued. "It's just that my dad used to call me that... And there are some family problems I really don't want to think about. But you didn't know so it's not your fault. And I'm sorry for running off like that, I shouldn't have left you like that."

He thought for a few seconds before he replied to me.

"I get it, but you really don't need to be sorry for running off, I understand why you did that. So we're good?"

I smiled. "Definitely."

He smiled too, and within a second his mood changed. I swear to God this man has a great duality.

"Sooo.. Am I getting a forgiveness-kiss?"


He smirked. "You know, a kiss to 'celebrate' that we're friends again. Or if you don't want to be friends.. Maybe more?" He took a step closer me and nodded in the derection of my hand. That's when I realized I was still holding his arm. I quickly let go of him, and felt myself blush.

"Ahww don't be scared, I won't bite you.. Yet." He grabbed my hand and placed it on his arm again.

"W-What do you mean by 'yet'?"

He leant closer to me, our noses almost touching.

"Well if I want to have entrance in your mouth I should bite your lower lip, right? But you don't seem ready for that yet. So instead I'll continue with giving you hickeys. I mean you didn't seem to mind yesterday. Or maybe one little peck will be better."

I had no idea how to reply to him. This man could take all my words away with just one simple sentence. He started leaning in, but before his lips could touch mine we heard a loud and cheerful voice.


Instead he gave me a quick peck on my cheek and turned to the sound, stepping away from me. Leaving me frozen on my spot for a second time.

"YOONG- Oh here you are, I couldn't find you anywhere but Namjoon said you were here with Jyzin or something." Another young man stood in front of us. He was quite handsome, with his bright orange hair and heartshaped lips, forming a huge smile.

"No you idiot, it's Jihun, not Jyzin." Yoongi walked over to him and lightly hit the back of his head, making the young man whine.

"Ah I'm sorry Jihun. And if I'm an idiot, which I'm totally not, you're stupid."

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