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Before we start this chapter I want to say this contains a little smut. But not quite.. but still a bit, I guess? So enjoy my littlebutnotquite smut chapter :')
Btw it's my first time writing something like this and I felt so awkward the whole time so please don't judge me thank you.


We sended hearts. Fuck. I don't know why, but my heart started to beat really fast. Does this mean...? Nahh, he just wanted to be nice... Right?


I didn't get much time to think about it as the door suddenly opened. The guy who wanted me to kiss him and one of his friends walked in. I stood up, putting my phone on the couch.

"Oh I'm sorry, this room is only for staff." I told them. Not that it worked, considering they just smirked to me. They were definitely drunk.

"We don't care." The guy who kissed me said while the other man walked out the room and locked the door. "So, I'm having a little problem with your kiss here."

"But you said it was good, so I don't see any problems at all."

"Well I'm just not comepletly satisfied with it."

"I can't do anything about it, so I want to ask you if you could go back."

He didn't listen. Instead he walked towards me and pushed me back on the couch I way laying on just a few moments ago, crawling on top of me. He attacked my lips and kissed me roughly, not caring about anything else. I tried to push him off me but he was way too heavy. He grabbed my wrists and placed them above my head, keeping me from pushing him away. He finally removed his lips from mine, but immediatly started to kiss my neck.

"P-Please stop." My voice cracked from him sucking harshly just above my collarbone. He undid his belt with his free hand and tied my hands together with it.

"You owe me this, so shut your pretty mouth and let's have a little fun." He ripped my blouse and kissed me again.

'Why? Why did I deserve this..? Let it stop.. Please' My thoughts were a total mess, but I couldn't do anything about it. He stripped his shirt and trew it on the ground. He yanked down his pants and licked his lips.

"What do we have here?" He grabbed my phone and looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"That's my phone.." I softly said.

"We don't need it now, do we?" He smirked again and threw it on the floor. After he did that we heard a woman's voice.

"Voice recognation on. Please tell me what I need to do."

That was my personal assistant. It was a product of the company from my parents, and you could use your phone by telling her what to do. I was so glad I left her on my phone after I left home. She could help me.

"Hey what's tha-"

"CALL YOONGI!" Before he could finish his sentence I screamed, hoping she would recognize my voice and call him, as I wanted her to do. I don't know why I asked for Yoongi instead of Jungkook or Taehyung, but something inside me wanted him to come.

"What? Call who? Baby you don't need to call anyone, we're just going to have a little fun." He pried on the little buttons on my skirt, trying to get them open.

"Hello? What's wrong, I told you to focus on your work, didn't I?" The low voice from Yoongi sounded through my phone.

"YOONG PLEASE HELP ME I'M-" In the middle of my sentence the guy kissed me in an attempt to silence me. I whimpered into it.

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