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"That movie was amazing! The part were that little girl said 'because I love you' to her dad was so heartbreaking." Taehyung was fangirling over the movie with Jungkook while I was cleaning all the chips and empty cans.

One movie turned out to be four, and I was really tired. But if I didn't clean everything it wouldn't happen, Jungkook wasn't really the cleaning type.

I didn't really pay attention to the movie since it contained family problems. They asked me a hundred times if I rather wanted to watch something else, but I knew they wanted to see this movie so I told them I didn't mind. I had to swallow my tears a few times because I heard a sensitive sentence, but I managed not to cry. That didn't meant I wasn't sad though.

"It's getting late, I should head over to my own place." I grabbed my bag after I throwed away the last bag of chips they emptied.

"You sure you don't want to stay over?" Jungkook looked at me and tilted his head a little.

"Nahh, I have to work tomorrow night, and I think my own bed would give me much better of a sleep then yours. No offence, yours is heavenly soft, but I just feel like sleeping in my own tonight."

"That's okay, take care on the way home okay?"

"I will."

"Goodnight Jihuuun!" Taehyung ran towards me and hugged me.

I smiled. "Goodnight TaeTae."

"My turn!" Jungkook tapped Taehyung's shoulder until he let go of me and cupped my face.

"Bye Jihun," He kissed my forehead. "Sleep well." He whispered.

"Goodnight Kookie." I hugged him.

Taehyung had already opened the door for me, and I waved them goodbye. They really were like family to me. I just couldn't imagine a world without them in it anymore.

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