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That's now it smelled.


Just nice.

There were no other ways to describe it than nice.

I heard someone open the door and close it again. I furrowed my eyebrows and slightly opened my eyes.

A room.

Not just a room.

A strange room.

I shot up straight and grabbed my head right after. I had a major headache, and I only made it worse.

'Good job, you're so smart' I thought and looked around the room. There were posters from famous music stars on the walls, like Sunmi and G-Dragon. A long shelf with a lot of the same teddybear on it, and a white desk with three laptops on it, all showing a background I strangly recognized. I slowly got out of bed, feeling dizzy and weak, and walked over to get a better look at it.

'Agust D'

I was sure I saw it somewhere before, I just couldn't remember where. Then it hit me.

Do not open before 1 August.
Agust D

'That's what the little sticky note said on the little box'

The world started turning so I grabbed a hold of the large desk. While I did I knocked something over and it fell to the ground. I blinked a few times and grabbed it. It was a little teddybear, but way too wierd to be for little kids. I looked at the shelf again. This was the same teddybear as the ones on the shelf. I looked at the one in my hand again. It had a little card attached to it.


The ones on the shelf had the same card, so there was no doubt the name of this teddybear was Ryan. I placed it back on the desk when the door opened. I quicky turned around, almost falling down due to the dizzyness.

"I got you some so-" Yoongi walked in the room with a bowl in his hands. He stopped talking when he saw me standing next to his desk.

"Oh you're awake, that's good, I was really worried. How are you feeling?" He placed the bowl on the nightstand and walked over to me. He cupped my face and looked worried at me.

"I.. I'm fine... W-What happened..? Wasn't I.. going home..?" My voice sounded weak and talking hurted. My knees gave in, and Yoongi quickly caught me.

"You first have to lay down again and eat something, then I'll tell you." He carried me to his bed and put me down before sitting on the bed next to me.

"I.. I'm not hungry.."

He grabbed the bowl and put it down on my lap. "You still have to eat, even though you're not hungry."

"I don't want to.." But when I said so my stomach growled. My eyes widened and I placed my hands over my face.

Why did my body had to be annoying now?

"Your body does, so just eat." He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face.

"Don't hide yourself, please?" He grabbed the spoon and held it in front of my mouth. "Now eat."

I shook my head and looked away.

"If you won't eat I'll lay down next to you, and I won't go away until you finished all of the soup I made for you. Even if it means I have to stay here all night, and since it's my bed I'm not taking the couch. That means we have to sleep in one bed which I surely don't mind but-"

"Okay okay, I'll eat!!"

He smiled at me.

"Good." He nodded at the spoon he was still holding in front of me and I took it in my mouth. The soup was actually really tasty, it was better than any other soup I had before. He held the spoon in front of me again, and I just let him fed me. After a while I thought he was feeding me too slow, so I took the spoon from his hands and did it myself. While I was eating Yoongi told me what happened. When I finished all of it I leaned back against the headboard of the bed, and Yoongi placed the bowl on the nightstand again.

"Jezus when was the last time you ate something, you finished it like you didn't have anything in the last few days!" He chuckled.

I went silent.

"Wait," He looked at me worried again. "You did ate something the last few days... Right?"

I slowly shook my head. I don't know why I told this to the one I only had known for two or three days, but something about him made me want to tell him. Like I couldn't keep any secrets from him. Like I wanted him to know.

"But why? You know that's not healthy."

"I don't want to be fat. I want to lose weight."

"But you're not fat at all! You have a beautiful body you don't need lose weight."

He paused for a second and looked at his hands.

"That.. Sounded wrong, I'm sorry." He chuckled.

"No it's okay. Thank you Yoongi."

"No problem..." He looked up at me, but looked back at at his hands again.

"You sound like you wanted to say something more. What is it?"

"No.. It's nothing."

"Come oooonnn you can tell me."

"No I can't, I don't wanna make you cry ever again."

My mind darkened. "You wanted to call me p-princess again.. Am I right?" I felt tears well up behind my eyes. I guess he saw it because he pulled me in for a hug and rested his chin on my head. I felt save, protected and loved in his arms. It was a feeling I never wanted to forget or lose.

"Please don't cry, I hate it when you cry. I did wanted to say that, but I couldn't do it. I'm sorry I brought back bad memories. Is there something I can do for you to make you feel better?" I could feel his yaw move when he talked. It felt kind of funny.

I shook my head. "Just... Stay."

I had no idea why I said that. I barely knew him, but something about him made it feel like he was a long lost friend or something. I loved being in his precence, even though sometimes he could be such a total dom. Which I surely didn't mind. At all. I actually.. liked it..?

"I won't. Promise."

He hugged me tighter and I couldn't help but yawn.

"Are you tired?" I could feel him smile.

I nodded and he layed me down on the bed, covering me with his blankets.

"Then sleep. I'll be downstairs, so if you need anything just message me or something, okay?" He showed me his gummy smile I loved.

"Okay." I yawed again and closed my eyes. I heard him grab the bowl from the nightstand and the door open.

"Goodnight Jihun." He whispered and with that I fell asleep, surrounded by the blankets who smelled like him.


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