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We walked towards another store to buy some clothes, since Gucci was out of the picture. Yoongi was holding my hand ever since we left the coffeeshop. I didn't mind it, his hand was really warm and soft.

"Oh, this one looks good"  Yoongi stopped in front of a window, looking at a shirt.

"Yeah it would look great on you, you should try it"  I smiled.

"If you say so"  He pulled me with him into the shop. We walked over to the racks and searched for the same shirt. With every nice shirt I came across I glanced at Yoongi, imagening him wearing it.

'Damn he looks good in everything'

A few pieces made my cheeks heat up.

'Why does he look so damn perfect?'

"Ah found it!"  Yoongi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'll go try it on"  He winked at me and walked to the fitting rooms.

Once he was out of sight I turned around and cupped my cheeks, who I was sure of were a soft tint of red. Why does he have that effect on me? I briefly closed my eyes to heave a sigh, and went back to looking through all the clothes on the racks.

After a minute I felt someone grab the back of my hoodie and slightly tug on it. I turned around and saw a little girl standing in front of me, her eyes glossy with unshed tears, her bottom lip trembling, and a stuffed queen thightly pressed against her chest.

"Oh. Hello sweetie, what's wrong?"  I bent down so I was on the same level as her and gave her a kind smile.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she began crying.

"Oh hunny, don't cry.. C'mere.."  I gently grabbed her arm and pulled towards me. She wrapped her little arms around my neck, never letting go of the princess doll she was holding. I rubbed my hand over her back trying to comfort her. Soon she stopped crying. She pulled away and rubbed her eyes dry with her little fists.

"Want to tell me what happened?"

She nodded.  "L-Lost my princess.."  She softly said, her voice was a bit husky due to her crying.

I tilted my head.  "You're princess is right here" I gestured to the doll she was holding in her fist.

She shook her head.  "N-no, princess. Not Yeri"

"But who is-"

"Sohee! There you are! Why did you run away?!"

I looked up. The owner of the voice rushed towards the little girl, who I now know the name from, and hugged her.


"Princess!"  Sohee said happily and burried her face into the crook of his neck. Jin swiftly lifted her up, taking the doll with him in the air since she dropped it.

"Jihun? Omy- I live for your hair!"  He brushed his hand through my hair, messing it up.

"Thankss"  I chuckled.

"But what are you doing here?"  He furrowed his eyebrows while soothing my hair again.

"It's a store Jin, what else do you think I'm doing here?"  I cuckled again.

"No, I know. But this is for guys, and since you're not a guy, obviously.."

"Ah, I came with Yoongi, he's trying on a shirt right now. So she calls you princess?"

"Princess is the most amazing princess on earth!"  Sohee happily clapped her hands together, her doll swinging around with her movements.

I smiled at her.  "I bet he is"  I looked at Jin again.  "I can see why she calls you princess"

"Yeah, I get that a lot"  He chuckled.


We turned around and saw Yoongi walking towards us. His face lit up when he saw Sohee.

"Sohee! Haven't seen you in a long time! How are you, little disaster?"

"Disaster? She can't be that bad, she looks way too cute and innocent to be called a disaster"

Jin scoffed.  "You would definitely think twice about that if you ever had to take care of her for longer than a few hours"

"I agree fully on that"  Yoongi nodded while pinching Sohee's cheeks, making her squeal.

"Jin? Where are you- Oh there you are"  We heard a voice say. Namjoon walked towards us, a set of clothes in his hands.  "Oh, hey guys"  He smiled at Yoongi and me, showing off his pretty dimples.

"Joonie!"  Sohee made grabby hands towards Namjoon, who happily took her over from Jin.

"So what are you going to do after shopping?"  Jin asked us.

"I don't know, we hadn't made any plans for the rest of the day"  I shrugged.

"Why don't you come over then?"  Namjoon sugested.

I looked up to Yoongi, who nodded.  "Yeah, sounds nice"

"Oh, how was the shirt?"  I asked him whilst tilting my head. He holded up a plastic bag as reponse.

"Most comfortable thing I ever wore in my entire life"

"I hope it isn't a white one!"  Jin pointed a finger towards Yoongi.  "We already have a white-shirt-addict in our group, and we certainly don't need another one!"

Yoongi holded his hands up in defeat.  "Sorry mom. I promise it isn't a white one"

"Good son"  Jin nodded in approval.

"I wanna go home"  Sohee pouted.

Jin looked at his watch.  "Yeah let's go home, we finished shopping anyway"

"We'll be right behind you"  Yoongi said while grabbing his carkeys.


The chapters are getting more and more boring, I know. And I appologize for that. It's just that I have a lot going on inside my head right now, and I find it hard to get inspiration lately. I'm trying to get chapters up asap, please understand ♥️

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