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When I said amazing, I wasn't wrong.

Nope, not at all.

Halfway through the game Jimin decided he wanted to continue with moving the couch and gathering all the cushions.  'To make a huge fort'  he had said. Well that plan was slightly crushed when Taehyung wanted to make a huge bed instead. They ended up arguing, and in the end decided on doing both.

Now, Namjoon and Jin were sleeping on the blankets and a lot of cushions in the little tent from Jimin that covered half of the bed Taehyung had made. Jin laying sweetly on top of his boyfriend, whose arms were protectively wrapped around him.

Yeah, it was a cute sight.

Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung were still playing Mario Kart, while Jungkook was doing push-ups, because,  'Abs don't come through whishing for them upon a falling star'.  Can't blame him though, he's a masterpiece.

Yoongi was getting a new drink from the kitchen and I was laying on the couch, staring at the leather in front of me. This was one of the best days I ever had, and it wasn't even over yet. Suddenly I heard my phone make a notification sound. I carefully turned around as not to fall on the floor, and grabbed my phone.

                    1 New Message

I stared at the notification. The name which I thought I'd never ever see again. Right there in front of me on the screen of my phone. I sat up, my eyes not leaving the screen. Tears again in my eyes. Yoongi came back from the kitchen and let himself fall down on the couch next to me.

"God I'm tired. I don't understand how those three can play that stupid game for hours"

I ignored him. Everything I could focus on was the message on my phone.

"NONONO YOSHI GO THE OTHER WAY!"  Jimin shrieked while moving up and down on the cushion he was sitting on.

"Never seen a phone before?"  Yoongi chuckled.  "You're going to burn a hole through it if you keep staring at it like that"

"WARIO DON'T BE A DOUCHBAG AND GO FASTER!"  Hoseok humiliated the controller.

'Why did he texted me? After all these years, why? Just why? What does he want from me?'

"Twentyone, twentytwo, twentythree, twentyfour, twentyfive.."  Jungkook pushed himself off of the ground and clapped his hands before doing normal push-ups again.  "Twentysix, twentyseven.."

"GO LUIGI, BEAT THOSE IDIOTS!"  Taehyung bobbed his feet on floor while leaning his back against the table behind him.

I couldn't handle it anymore.


"CAN EVERYBODY JUST BE QUIET FOR LIKE ONE HOLY SECOND?!"  I jumped up from the couch, not able to stand everything anymore.  "DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE SO LOUD? I CAN'T FUCKING THINK!"

The room went quiet. Hoseok and Jimin stopped playing and turned around to look at me, Yoshi and Wario bumping into things and finally crashing into a wall on the screen. Namjoon shot up, pushing his boyfriend off in the process, earning a confused and grumpy Jin. Jungkook fell face first on the floor, letting out a loud groan.

Yoongi looked at me in shock. I was panting an brought my hands to my face, rubbing my cheeks and closing my eyes. I heard Yoongi stand up and felt his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed.

"Jihun. What's wrong?"  He asked again. I wrapped my arms around myself and let some tears fall down my cheeks. After a few seconds of silence, apart from some game sounds from Mario Kart, Yoongi spoke again.

"Your dad? What does that fucker want from you?!"  There was anger noticable in his voice as he looked at the notification on my phone.

"Her dad is back?!"  Jungkook stumbled to his feet, followed by Taehyung, and stood in front of me, spreading his arms. I stepped forward and let him hug me.

"Wait, that scumbag showed up again?"  Jimin throwed the controller on the floor and furrowed his eyebrows, Hoseok doing the same.  "I didn't think he'd have the balls to text you after they disowned you like that"

I felt someone tap my shoulder, and Jungkook's grip on me loosened. Jin stood next to us with a glass of water in his hands, a symphatic smile on his face. I smiled too and took the glass, sipping on the water.

Suddenly we heard I'm Not Afraid by Holland play, my ringtone for this month.

"He's calling"  Yoongi calmly said. Jungkook his grip on me loosend as I turned to face Yoongi, looking at my phone in his hands.

"Do you want me to pick up for you?"  Taehyung asked.

I shook my head.  "N-No, that's okay. I'll do it myself"  Namjoon took the glass from me as Yoongi handed me my phone. I let out a shaky breath before accepting the call and holding the phone to my ear.

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