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'Why am I crying?'  I thought as I walked over to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm still not really used to my white hair, but I like it so far.

No regrets at all.

"Jihun.. Are you okay?"  Taehyung's soft voice sounded through the door.  "We're not mad at you for shouting like that, really. Kookie said you needed some time alone, but Jiminie sended me after you"

Tears continued to fall as I lifted my foot, looking at the shard that sticks out of my cotton sock. It hurts. It really hurts. Luckily my sock wasn't that thick, so the shard's probably really small, but that didn't make it any less painfull.

"Jinnie hyung is worried about your foot, and Yoongi hyung wanted to come after you first, but Jiminie told me to go"

I tried to pull the shard out but it hurted too much.

'Why couldn't I just be more carefull? Why did I snapped?'


I sighed, tears falling down my face. I quickly wipe them away and hop towards the door, unlocking it. I open the door and crash into the chest in front of me. I grab his shirt in my fist and cry into it.

It didn't feel like Taehyung. It wasn't Taehyung. I didn't get long to think about it, as I feel a chin on top of my head, and arms around my waist.

"It's okay to cry"


He doesn't have to tell me twice. I didn't fight the tears anymore as I burried my face in his chest. He rubbed my back to help me calm down and started to slowly sways from left to right.

After a few minutes my cries had calmed down to soft sniffles. He stops swaying and pulls back, cupping my face with his hands. His expression is soft as he wiped all the fallen tears away with his thumbs.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded.  "I-I don't know.. why I yelled.. or cried.."

"How's your foot?"

"It hurts"  I pouted.

"Can you walk to the livingroom? Jin's waiting with a first ait kit"

I nodded again. With the help of Yoongi I hopped towards the livingroom, where everyone looks at me.

"Jihun!"  Jungkook ran towards me and hugged me.  "I'm sorry if I made you upset or anything"

I shook my head.  "Don't appologize, it's not your fault"

He pulls away and sits me down on the couch. Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok were already sitting on the couch, not saying anything. I guess Jungkook told them not to, as always. Jin sits in front of me on the now snack-free table.

He gestures for me to raise my foot, so I put my foot in his lap. My once violet cotton sock now with a red stain on it.

Jin gasps.  "The shard's still in your foot!"

"I know, and it hurts"  I pouted.

Jungkook sits down next to Jin on the table, wanting to see everything he does. Yoongi sits down on the armrest next to me and grabs my hand which made me look up to him. He starts rubbing circles over the back of my hand.

"Focus on my hand, okay?"  He smiles at me.

I do my best to focus on his hand as Jin pulls my sock off. I wince slightly as he pulls it over the shard. At least I think he does.

"Jihun, I think your sock has to die"  Jin looks up to me.

I tilt my head to the side.  "Why?"

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