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We got in the car and followed Jin and Namjoon home. Of course while holding yet another miniconcert. Soon, we reached a driveway. I wanted to get out the car but Yoongi stopped me.

"They're just bringing Sohee back to her parents"

I sat back and made myself comfortable again. Not gonna lie, the seats in his car were soft as hell, and really comfortable. Way better then the ones in my own car.

Soon we reached their own house. Yoongi parked the car and we followed Jin and Namjoon inside. Even though they were Yoongi's friends and I didn't know them that well, I felt very welcome here.

Jin was motherly, caring and always made sure everyone is happy. I admire that, I really do. How careful Jin was, Namjoon was quite the opposite. He breaks everything what's breakable, and it's very entertaining.

"Just do as if you're home"  Namjoon says while walking upstairs, Jin scurrying over to the kitchen.

"Gladly. I've been walking all day, I deserve to sit down"  Yoongi walks to the couch and sits down. He smiled at me and pats the spot next to him. I smile and sit down next to him. Jin walks into the livingroom, holding a tray of snacks and drinks.

"I don't know what you like so it's just some fruit juice"  He looks at me.  "Strawberry taste"

"Ah that's fine, thank you"  I smiled.

"So what are we going to do?"  Namjoon entered the livingroom. Jin smirked, which made Namjoon sigh.

"We're not playing Mario Kart AGAIN, Jin"

"But why not?! It's an amazing game! You should be glad to have a boyfriend with a good taste in games!"  Jin pouted.

"I really don't mind what we're doing, as long as I can sit down"  Yoongi said and grabbed a cookie, leaning back on the couch.

"You can sit down while playing Mario Kart so I don't see why we shouldn't play it"  Jin crossed his arms. I smiled at him. Sometimes he can be childish, just like Jungkook.

"You know, you and Kookie would get along really well. You both love games. And he loves Mario Kart too"  I stated, Namjoon too busy with trying not to drop his glass with juice all over the carpet to mingle in the conversation.

Jin turned to me.  "Why don't we invite him over then? At least someone with a passion for Mario Kart and who doesn't judge me for loving Princess Peach!"  He glared at Namjoon, earning his attention.

"I never said I judged you! And why do you love Princess Peach? You love her more than me?"  He pouts, setting his glass back on the table.

Jin fake gasps.  "I never said I loved her more than you!"  He runs over to Namjoon, hugging him thightly and pecking his cheek.  "Of course I love you more"

Namjoon looks pretty well pleased with his answer, and turns his head. Jin's lips who were planning on landing on his cheek, now landing on his lips.

I smile at them and pull out my phone.  "I'll text Jungkook"

Hey Kookie 💕 Yoongi and I are at Jin's place rn, and we were wondering if you would come over too? Jin kinda needs a Mario Kart buddy 😂


I chuckled at his enthousiasm and send him the adress.  "He'll be here in 5. He said he'll take Taehyung with him"

Jin raises an eyebrow, now sitting on Namjoon's lap.  "Does he like Mario Kart too?"

I nod my head, grabbing a chocolate cookie from the tray. Jin suddenly starts fake crying.

"Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"  Namjoon worriedly asked, not seeing he was faking it because his back is facing him.

Jin sniffs.  "I don't even know them that well-"  He sniffs again.  "-But I already love them"

Namjoon chuckled at his overdramatical boyfriend before wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You're acting like a mom again, Jin"  Yoongi said, sipping his drink.

"Well what if I am?"  Jin crossed his arms.

"You're not their mo-"  Yoongi stops talking as he sees Namjoon's expression. A glare which screams  'don't go there if you don't want to die'

Jin freezes.  "What. Did. You-"

"Nono I didn't said anything. Nope. Nothing. That's what I said. Nothing"  Yoongi cuts him off, avoiding any eye contact with him.

Jin jumps up, earning a groan from Namjoon. Probably because he hurt him... somewhere, and points a finger towards Yoongi, who is quick to raise his hands up in defeat.

"Don't play dumb with me Yoongi! If you seriously think I'll be-"

"I'll play Mario Kart with you!"  Yoongi cuts him off again. This time with a proposal Jin just can't ignore.

"While wearing Luigi's hat?"  Jin softly asks.

"Well, I don't think-  Okay, you know what, I'll wear that lovely hat"  He gives Jin a sweet smile, after earning yet another glare from Namjoon.

Jin excitedly claps his hands together. While he plops himself down on Namjoon's lap again, earning another groan, we hear a few knocks on the door.

"MY PRECIOUS CHILDS"  Jin yells and jumps up again, running to the door. Namjoon's expression is full of pain and annoyance, but you can still see the love he has for Jin.

Their relationship is really wonderfull, they've proven that enough already in the short time I know them.

"JINNIEEE"  We hear Taehyung and Jungkook yell.

"AAAHH"  Jin squeaks in happyness.

Soon they walk into the livingroom, Jin having his arms around each of their shoulders. Jin fake crying a little, the 2 boys on each side of him drying his happy tears with their sleeves. They seem so close already, I'm happy they get along well.

"Taekook will be on my team!"  Jin exclaims while starting up the game.

"Taekook? You thought of a nickname for them?"  Namjoon asks, one of his eyebrows raised.

"Well of course! Oh we need a teamname!"

"GucciGang"  Taehyung suggested.

"No IronMan!"  Jungkook shouted.

"Why don't you guys do rock-paper-scissors to decide on a name?"  Yoongi said while grabbing another cookie.

They nodded and put there hands together. After yelling  "Rock paper scissors!"  together, Jin won. Rock against two pair of sciccors.

"Teamname Kim SeokJin!"

"That's always the teamname if you win"  Namjoon exclaimed.

"So? It's a beautiful name"  Jin held his chin high, and continued on starting the game.

"So what's gonna be our team name?"  Namjoon asked.

"I really don't mind"  Yoongi said.

"Everything's fine"  I said and stood up.  "Where's the restroom?"

"Down the hall to your left"  Namjoon gestured to the hall.

"I'll be right back. You decide on a name because I have no idea"  I smiled and walked away.

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