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As soon as I woke up I went downstairs to get breakfast. I only had a few days left before my freedom was taken away and I'd have to become a bussiness woman, and I was planning on spending those days watching my favourite movies and eating tons of junkfood.

So that's what I did, I started a movie and grabbed a bag of chips, plopped down on the sofa, and just when I got comfortable my phone rang. And I left it on the kitchen counter, so I had to get up again.

'I really have to start taking my phone with me if I'm planning to sit down'  I thought as I walked to the kitchen and answered the call.  "Hello?"

"Jihun, hey! I was worried, everything okay?"  Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just about to watch a movie"

"Oh which one?"

"That one with the wolves and that little girl"

"I love that one! Can I come over to watch it with you? Oh I could ask Taetae and the other boys too, we could make a moviemorning and have a lot of fu-"

"Jungkook!"  I cut him off.  "It's a nice idea, but no. I'd rather watch it alone"

He was quiet for a moment.  "O-Okay.. just.. Call me when you change your mind okay?"  He continued in a soft voice.  "Talk to you later.."  He said before I hung up the phone. I rubbed the bridge of my nose in frustation. I knew I was being a big meanie, but I had to create some sort of distance since I had to leave in a few days.

I sighed and walked back to the couch to finally start the movie, feeling a bit bad about how I reacted to Jungkook. He was just being nice, he didn't even know I had to leave yet.

I sighed again and just started the movie, hoping to forget my thoughts and have at least a few hours peace from the weight of signing the contract.

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